What Is Net Metering, and How Does It Work?

Depending on the size of your solar system and the amount of solar you produce each month, you can greatly reduce your monthly electric bills, and even profit from it.

Southern California Edison Reaches California's Solar Deadline

Under net metering 2.0, property owners are forced to pay non-bypassable charges, reducing the value of clean energy provided to the utility.

Nevada Court Rejects Solar Power Ballot Initiative As 'Inaccurate' And 'Misleading'

Samantha Page for ThinkProgress:  The Nevada Supreme Court on Thursday rejected a solar industry-backed measure that would have let voters decide how customers are paid for the electricity they put back on the grid. The November referendum would have allowed voters to overturn a Public Utilities Commission (PUC) decision from late last year that gutted the state’s net metering program — a rate design element that ensures solar owners are paid retail rate for the electricity they put back on the grid. The court ruled that the description included in the referendum was “inaccurate,” “misleading,” and “argumentative,” the AP reported. But the industry was not bowed after the ruling, saying it would continue to fight to set fair rates for solar homeowners.   Cont'd...

Net Metring Scenario in Pakistan

Net metering SRO 892(1) 2015 is excellent Order and It should be implemented as early as possible.

Net Metering - Doing it Right

Companies selling PV systems are concerned that if utilities add a set fee for solar customers to remain connected to the grid to take in electricity at times when the sun isnt shining, or if utilities decrease the retail credit for the times when customers send their excess generation back to the grid, people will be less likely to put panels on their roofs.

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Our RE Series batteries are designed to provide the highest peak capacity, longest cycle life, and greatest reliability for use in industrial or residential renewable energy applications. Renewable Energy Series batteries utilize the company's exclusive XC2™ formulation and Diamond Plate Technology® to create the industry's most efficient battery plates, delivering greater watt-hours per liter and watt-hours per kilogram than any other flooded lead-acid battery in the market. Our Deep Cycle batteries are engineered to work with solar panels as well as other renewable energy applications.