Funding Biopolymer Research Is Better Than Fracking

If companies are to take responsibility for their huge plastic waste footprints, they need to start investing in the search for cheaper, durable and truly sustainable alternatives. But how can this be achieved?

How the Energy Industry Will Grow in 2020

Major shifts - including new technology, rising oil prices and a changing climate - are encouraging investors to look to new energy sources. In 2020, power consumption and the industry as a whole is expected to grow significantly.

Can Renewables Be a Greener Alternative to Replace Fracking?

Even as fracking has reduced the cost of natural gas, improvements in renewable energy technologies have brought their costs down to be cost-competitive with fossil fuels. In many cases, they can compete even without tax incentives in place.

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EVERVOLT home battery storage: Dependable power, with or without solar

EVERVOLT home battery storage: Dependable power, with or without solar

Whether paired with solar or used independently, the renewable energy stored in an EVERVOLT home battery system serves as a reliable backup against unpredictable utility grid fluctuations and weather-related events. Keep essential appliances running longer and maintain your lifestyle during unforeseen circumstances. Our EVERVOLT battery storage systems are backed by a comprehensive 12-year warranty from Panasonic, including coverage for labor.