Solar Decathlon Design Challenge Takeaways

Being a juror is an amazing experience. It is heartening to see how thoughtful the teams were in their designs. The students included innovative approaches to achieve the design goals and some created models to show off their design.


The Solar Decathlon is a collegiate competition, comprising 10 contests, that challenges student teams to design and build highly efficient and innovative buildings powered by renewable energy.

Infographic: Energy Jobs Inspired by the Solar Decathlon

In conjunction with this rapid growth, the DOE report found that 73% percent of all surveyed employers said theyre having difficulty hiring qualified workers across the energy sector. The Solar Decathlon helps address this difficulty by challenging student teams with a real-life, complicated project that provides hands-on training for undergraduate and graduate students.

There Are No Glass Ceilings in This Solar Village

The U.S. Department of Energy Solar Decathlon is the worlds premier design-build competition, challenging students to create an energy efficient, solar-powered house that must perform in 10 contests during a nine-day public event.

The Many Fates Of Former Solar Decathlon Houses

Like the students continual career evolution after participating in one of the most rigorous and comprehensive university competitions, the houses that have competed in the seven U.S.-based Solar Decathlons continue to find new purposes and opportunities all over the world.

Sneak Preview of Solar Decathlon 2017 Houses

Solar Decathlon 2017 takes place in Denver, Colorado, at the 61st & Peña Station October 5-9 and October 12-15, 2017.

Energy Department Announces Denver as Next Location for Solar Decathlon Competition in 2017

Dr. Orr revealed that Denver won the bid to host this biennial event, in which student teams compete to design, build, and operate cost-effective, energy-efficient, and attractive solar-powered houses.

What is a Solar Decathlon?

The Solar Decathlon is the ideal venue to utilize R&D advancements with integrated energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies.

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