New circular solar panels reduce weight of roof installations by up to two thirds using EconCore technology.

Solarge, producer of lightweight, truly circular solar panels, will launch at JEC World a new lightweight, fully circular solar panel, reducing the weight of solar installations by up to 65% for rooftops.

Early 2023 U.S. Residential Solar Trends Report Finds Aurora Customers Created 40% More Solar Projects Year Over Year Amid Strong Demand Indicators

Aurora's solar projects database of more than 6 million projects over the past two years; a survey of 1,000 U.S. homeowners about their solar adoption behaviors and motivations; and, a pulse check on the state of the industry through the lens of 898 U.S. solar professionals.

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Featured Product

Canadian Solar - HiKuBlack - Black Backsheet & Frame (Mono)

Canadian Solar - HiKuBlack - Black Backsheet & Frame (Mono)

Aesthetic appearance for residential systems: With black backsheet & black frame, Power range 380 ~ 405 W, Low power loss in cell connection. Enhanced reliability: · Low temperature coefficient (Pmax): -0.34 % / °C, LID LeTID less than 2.0%, Lower hot spot temperature, Better shading tolerance.