Lithium vs Lead Batteries: Which is Best for Your Home Energy Storage System?
When it comes to choosing a battery system for your solar panels, you'll want to make sure you're making the best decision possible. After all, who doesn't love a good rivalry between two seemingly similar technologies?
The Importance of Lead Batteries in the Future of Energy Storage
Lead batteries have operated efficiently behind the scenes to provide dependable energy storage to a number of industries and applications for over 160 years. Today, they have been overshadowed by new battery chemistries such as lithium.
Lead-Acid Batteries for Solar Storage
Lead acid batteries are built in 2-volt cell configurations and are offered in a wide range of capacity & voltage options to meet the needs of a specific install. Lead acid battery banks are scalable to meet small to large-capacity storage needs.
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Featured Product
SOLTEC - SFOne single axis tracker
SFOne is the 1P single-axis tracker by Soltec. This tracker combines the mechanical simplicity with the extraordinary expertise of Soltec for more than 18 years. Specially designed for larger 72 an 78 cell modules, this tracker is self-powered thanks to its dedicated module, which results into a lower cost-operational power supply. The SFOne has a 5% less piles than standard competitor, what reduces a 75% the labor time.