Heat pump with heat exchanger instead of electric heatings Saving 169 MWh of electricity per year
To exploit the existing potential in the cleaning of engine components, a premium car manufacturer replaced the electric water heating system in its Austrian works with a heat pump. This has resulted in electricity savings of approx. 70 percent per year in this process step.
Should Dandelion Spread to More Areas than Upstate New York?
You can use warmth trapped within the earths crust to heat your house. Installers bury pipes underground, then fill those pipes with water. The water absorbs the earth's heat, warms up and can then be pumped - as warm air - into your house.
Overcoming the First Cost Barrier to Ground Source Heat Pump Technology: The Utility Ground Loop Service Provider Concept
Several utility CEOs and PSC/PUC regulators have all acknowledged the importance of GHP technology in the overall landscape of the energy industry.
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