A Deep Dive Into Improving The ROI For Commercial PV Solar Systems
As with any investment, the two main ways to improve the ROI of a commercial PV system is to increase energy production (and therefore annual revenue) and decrease lifetime costs. Let's take a deeper look at how this can be done in commercial PV installations.
Electrifying Commercial Vehicles
While cars and vans make up the majority of vehicles on the roads, commercial vehicles (CVs), such as buses and heavy goods vehicles (HGVs), still contribute to UK transport emissions, but have so far evaded similar restrictions.
4 Effective Tactics for a Successful C&I Solar Sales Strategy
Whether you're a long-time solar contractor or an HVAC or electrical contractor looking to get into solar, an effective strategy remains crucial for success.
As part of its groundbreaking "Better Places 2030" strategy to reduce carbon emissions 50% by the year 2030, Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield (URW) now generates clean, renewable energy at seven of its Westfield shopping centers in the U.S.
Barrette Outdoor Living Generates Massive Power with Newly Installed Solar Panels
The array is comprised of 27 invertors, 6,354 solar panels and is capable of producing more than 2,352,489 watts DC of power output which will offset approximately 81 percent of the facility's electricity consumption.
Central American Clothing Manufacturer Decks Out Its Facilities with Solar Energy
Pinehurst MFG, a distinguished textile manufacturing company, is trusted with clothing production by world-renowned brands such as ADIDAS. The company now powers its operations using a solar system with SMA inverters.
C2 Energy Capital Works with Solar Partners to Guide a School Solar Project to Successful Completion
C2 Energy Capital supported Solar Power & Light working alongside First Solar to complete a solar power generation plant for the Otsego School District
Case Study: LA Lakers Practice Facility
The solar panels needed to be highly efficient, cost-effective, reliable and durable. They needed to generate the 13 percent renewable energy to earn the maximum number of LEED points.
Case Study: Lyndon B. Johnson Public Housing Complex in Cambridge
Adopting a building-integrated solar air heating system for a multi-residential, high rise exterior retrofit of the Lyndon B. Johnson public housing complex in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Better Buildings, Better Plants
The Department of Energy's intention behind the showcase project is to have leading companies create "blueprints" of their energy saving tactics that are actionable by a broader set of US companies. By creating an aggressive goal for a single facility, it affords a focused experience of what it takes to achieve that goal. We plan to be transparent in our actions in order to create these repeatable solutions for other companies.
Case Study: San Francisco MTA Transit Shelter
The Challenge: Reinvent the traditional transit shelter to take advantage of solar power.
The Solution: Create a next-generation transit shelter that is both environmentally innovative and aesthetically pleasing.
Honda Canada Reduces Power Costs by 6% Using Harmonizer Automatic Voltage Regulator
Honda Canada's facility in Richmond British Columbia is a 127,000 ft2 distribution warehouse serving Honda Canada's West Coast operations. Standard operating hours at Honda Canada's warehouse are between 8:00AM and 8:00PM Monday to Friday, averaging 60 hours of operation per week. Prior to installing an electrical Harmonizer-AVR, Honda Canada's warehouse consumed 1,331,520 kWh annually with a peak demand of 355 kW. For the purpose of this case study, these numbers will be used a benchmark for energy consumption.
Case Study - How Spinwave Systems' Wireless Mesh Network is Helping Dartmouth College Monitor Energy
When Dartmouth, prompted by soaring fuel costs and concern about CO2 emissions, decided to install a network to collect more timely information on its heating/cooling system, it turned to Spinwave Systems. The college is deploying Spinwave sensors and other wireless networking hardware, linked together by Spinwave's wireless mesh network to give college facilities managers the ability to view energy system operations in near-real-time.
"Ecology and Environment" Achieves an 80-Percent Carbon Reduction at Net Cost Savings
Ecology and Environment Sets the Sustainability Bar Even Higher in Achieving an 80-Percent Carbon Reduction at Net Cost Savings.
The Institute of Rural Research and Development (IRRAD) is an initiative of S.M. Sehgal Foundation working on poverty reduction in rural villages in the State of Haryana, India. IRRAD's campus, which resides among some of the ultra-modern high rises of Gurgaon, meets the standards of the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Green Building Rating System'. It generates 35Kw of solar energy on-site, enough for all the electricity requirements of the building except air-conditioning.
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