Spinwave Systems develops and markets wireless EMS. This includes wireless sensors for temperature, relative humidity and motion (occupancy), wireless utility meter interfaces for electric, gas and water meters and wireless switches to control equipment and lighting loads.


Independent studies carried out in the UK have predicted that conservatively about 7% of the UK's present electricity usage could be produced from tidal stream energy sources. Evopod has been developed to extract energy from the deeper water sites where the water depth is greater than 35m to 40m.

EarthToys Interview - Living Off The Grid

I think it's feasible to be off the grid anywhere you have access to sun, wind, or water for power. However, the city planning department may have other ideas. I know a couple in southwest Oregon whose urban homestead was off-grid on a city lot for many years, but they had a community that was supportive of renewables.

Dr. Christopher Guzy of Ballard Power

Since fuel cell solutions can offer business benefits and are ‘zero-emission', they will have an added appeal to consumers and businesses seeking ways to help the environment. As these audiences purchase increased volumes of fuel cell-powered solutions, the potential for a ‘green' future will become more tangible.

Jon Provisor of Guidance

We established the Guidance Green Committee to set in motion actions that will help us meet an ambitious yet concrete goal: to operate as an environmentally aware, carbon-neutral company by 2009.

Tim Kubista of ELEMENTS

It is in defining the brand and communicating it effectively that a company is able to distinguish itself in a very noisy and competitive marketplace.


I think the most important fact to keep in mind is that tidal energy is more predictable than wind and look at how that is regarded. Tidal energy can also be used in desalination, hence providing clean energy and a clean water resource for developing nations.


A Power Purchase Agreement, or PPA, is a long-term contract to buy power from a specific energy provider. Solar PPAs are agreements between a provider and a customer to purchase on-going solar power at a long-term rate, often equal to or less than market rates.

EarthToys Interview - Sun Run Electricity Package

Sun Run owns and maintains the panels, not the homeowner, eliminating the hefty upfront cost and maintenance woes. Once the system is installed, Sun Run provides monitoring, all required maintenance at no additional cost and guaranteed system performance - or your money back.

EarthToys Interview - The Community Solar Program

We have seen the solar programs serve as a source of community pride for residents and a bonding agent between neighbors. When you make a big decision like going solar as a group, it also tends to remind residents of the larger impact of their decision on the environment and the fight against global warming.


Small business qualify for the 30% solar and fuel cell investment tax credit, and receive 5-year accelerated depreciation, incentives for 50% lighting reductions, use of combined heat and power are now part of the House and Senate bills.

Investing in PV Solar Energy

I see great potential in the nano technology area. It is my feeling that if there is a huge blockbuster technology that is going to emerge and "take over" the PV industry, I feel that it will somehow involve breakthroughs and application of nano technology to the area of photovoltaics.


Today, over 40 of the 50 United States have enacted laws that allow for NEVs to be driven on city streets. As the awareness of NEVs becomes more widespread, and the benefits of owning them and driving them realized, we see significant market potential in the future.

Joel Serface - Clean Enerrgy Incubator

Any company that has a grid-connected or energy efficiency-related technology should take advantage of applying to our process with Austin Energy. In addition, we are looking at other potential corporate partners where we can test clean technologies that are not necessarily attached to the grid - biofuels, industrial efficiency, etc.

Green Empowerment

As Portland gains notoriety for progressive green and social policies at home in the US, Green Empowerment is quietly putting those policies to work in rural villages in the developing world. A recent partnership with digital agency, Coexist, sparked a renewed digital effort for GE to bring fresh water and electricity to ailing communities worldwide.

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