European Network for Cyber Security (ENCS) announces research project around Electric Vehicle (EV) smart charging with Enexis and ElaadNL

ENCS is conducting research as a consortium member of the FP7 AMADEOS project

The European Network for Cyber Security (ENCS) today announced that it is working with with Enexis and ElaadNL as part of a project researching the evolvability and security of electric vehicle (EV) smart charging infrastructures. This forms part of the AMADEOS project, a three-year FP7 project funded by the European Commission.

Enexis is on the Advisory Board of AMADEOS and is involved in developing the EV smart charging use case. ENCS is leading the implementation and testing of simulation tools for components in the EV charging infrastructure. ENCS role is to apply concepts from high-assurance architectures to EV charging by decomposing the systems into a small number of trusted components with well-defined interfaces.

Enexis and ElaadNL installed an EV charge station at the ENCS office in May of 2015 in order to better collaborate on the research. The charging station will be used to connect to network and control device simulation tools for testing the evolvability and security concepts researched by the project.
"For Dutch DSO Enexis smart charging is a very promising concept that enables us as a grid operator to operate our grid in a reliable and affordable manner. Our goal with smart charging is to facilitate charging of EVs without loss of comfort for the EV drivers whilst taking into account the load of the grid and availabiltiy of renewable energy.

"However, applying smart charging comes with additional security risks that need to be taken into account. We are aware of these risks and like to tackle them in a proactive manner. That is why we are happy to collaborate with Amadeos so that the smart charging use case is taken into account. We need skilled specialists to setup the proper high-assurance architectures and ENCS is able to deliver them in a collaborative setting. That is also one of the main reasons we became a member of ENCS" said Carlos Montes Portela, Senior Innovator at Enexis with IT (Privacy and Security) architectures for Smart Grids as main focus area.

"As a knowledge and innovation centre in the field of charging infrastructures in the Netherlands, ElaadNL coordinates the connections of public charging stations to the electricity grid on behalf of the network managers involved. We are more than happy to contribute to the Amadeos project with our knowledge of public charging infrastructures and the ICT that is used in them" stated Onoph Caron, director at ElaadNL.

"Electronic vehicle charging is just one example that highlights what the AMAEDOS project is setting out to achieve - the development of a highly dynamic and evolving system with multiple stakeholders, whose robustness and security is of vital importance to the overall grid. We are therefore very excited to be collaborating with Enexis and ElaadNL.

"Together we will explore the possibilities of the AMADEOS approach towards evolvable and secure systems in a real world setting, and to test and demonstrate the technology approach using the concrete infrastructure for EVs to be deployed in the Netherlands. We are looking forward to this collaboration and hope this leads to the deployment of new security architecture approaches as well as further joint activities," stated Klaus Kursawe, Chief Scientist, ENCS.

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