World's first solar panel road opens in Normandy village

Kim Willsher for The Guardian:  France has opened what it claims to be the world’s first solar panel road, in a Normandy village. A 1km (0.6-mile) route in the small village of Tourouvre-au-Perche covered with 2,800 sq m of electricity-generating panels, was inaugurated on Thursday by the ecology minister, Ségolène Royal. It cost €5m (£4.2m) to construct and will be used by about 2,000 motorists a day during a two-year test period to establish if it can generate enough energy to power street lighting in the village of 3,400 residents. In 2014, a solar-powered cycle path opened in Krommenie in the Netherlands and, despite teething problems, has generated 3,000kWh of energy – enough to power an average family home for a year. The cost of building the cycle path, however, could have paid for 520,000kWh.   Cont'd...

Three Simple (and Effective) Strategies for Solar Lead Generation

Don't get overwhelmed at the prospect of launching a solar lead generation program: if you focus on the basics, you'll have a great foundation for finding new customers.

Wind across rural and Rust Belt America powers big brands

New analysis reveals how and why the Fortune 500 buy wind energy

PVinsights: Price War Heats Up As Chinese Chase Hanwha Q-Cells

Solar panel price around the world extend the slump over the past few weeks amid simmering intensity over competition of global players and strong dollar. Recently, Hanwha Q-cell has been the dominant player in the price war in major solar markets US, EU and Japan. Particularly in the US, the solar panel price has deteriorated most noticeably amid fierce competition. Such attempts lead by Hanwha Q-cell also forces other major Asian module makers to slashing the prices as well, leading US solar panel price drastically lower and continue to renew the record low level. Meanwhile, solar panel prices in China and India are also trending downwards. In China, even as the demand is relatively solid, solar panel prices are dragged down by depreciation of RMB as well as strategic pricing in efforts to win project tenders. As for India, solar panel prices slump as following the downtrend of the rest of the world regardless of its solid demand growth.

1366 Technologies and Hanwha Q CELLS Achieve 19.6% Efficiency Using Direct Wafer® and Q.ANTUM Cell Technologies

The wafers were produced with 1366s current production furnaces in Bedford, MA and the cell fabrication was completed at Hanwha Q CELLS Center for Technology Innovation and Quality in Thalheim, Germany.

Batteries Need to Get Big-Like, Enormous-for Solar Power to Shine

Vaclav Smil for IEEE Spectrum:  It would be a lot easier to expand our use of solar and wind energy if we had better ways to store the large quantities of electricity we’d need to cover gaps in the flow of that energy. Even in sunny Los Angeles, a typical house roofed with enough photovoltaic panels to meet its average needs would still face daily shortfalls of up to about 80 percent of the demand in January and daily surpluses of up to 65 percent in May. You can take such a house off the grid only by installing a voluminous and expensive assembly of lithium-ion batteries. But even a small national grid—one handling 10 to 30 gigawatts—could rely entirely on intermittent sources only if it had gigawatt-scale storage capable of working for many hours. Since 2007, more than half of humanity has lived in urban areas, and by 2050 more than 6.3 billion people will live [PDF] in cities, accounting for two-thirds of the global population, with a rising share in megacities of more than 10 million people.   Cont'd...

Q3 2016 Deal Volume Comparison - Lincoln International

There were 20 completed solar energy transactions in Q3 2016, which represents the same number of transactions recorded in Q2 2016.

Through Wind and Rain, Roof Tech Makes a Believer Out of Solarize Financial

Steven Petersen is project director of Solarize Financial, based just outside Charleston, South Carolina. When his business partner introduced him to Roof Tech products, he knew he had found a great solution for his residential customers. "Initially, I thought RT E Mount AIR® couldnt possibly be as strong as railed systems," he admits. "But the first time I used it, it became clear that E Mount AIR is far less intrusive on the roof, and doesnt compromise the integrity of the roof the way railed systems can." In the fall of 2016, Petersen had occasion to appreciate the real strength of E Mount AIR when a major meteorological event affected his region.

Trina Solar Announces New Efficiency Record of 22.61% for Mono-Crystalline Silicon PERC Cel

The record-breaking solar cell was fabricated on a large-sized boron-doped Cz-Si substrate with a low-cost industrial process of advanced PERC (Passivated Emitter and Rear Cell) technology that integrates back surface passivation, front surface advanced passivation and anti-LID (Light Induced Degradation) technologies. The 243.23 cm2 solar cell reached a total-area efficiency of 22.61%. This result has been independently confirmed by the Fraunhofer ISE CalLab in Germany.

Solaris Adds More Off-Grid Solar Power Manufacturers

Solaris Technology Industry, Inc., has been adding a series of new solar energy brands to its Renewable Energy Portfolio online at Focusing on serving a wider market of Grid-Tie and Off-Grid customers seeking various solar energy products for their Boat, RV, Home, and Business among other sites that could benefit from turning to photovoltaic energy sources.

Statoil wins offshore wind lease sale in New York

Statoil submitted a winning bid of $42,469,725 during the online offshore wind auction concluded today by the U.S. Department of the Interior's Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM).

Ecotech Institute Ranked Among Best Deals on Colleges with Energy Research Programs

Ecotech Institute, the only college focused solely on energy, announced today that it was ranked #6 in Great College Deals list of 20 Best Deals on Colleges with Energy Research Programs. The school was honored for its flexibility and intimate learning environment.



Solar Tax Credits Make Now The Time To Buy

In late 2014, Congress passed and President Obama signed an "omnibus spending bill" that extends the solar investment tax credit (ITC) for five more years through 2021. With this tax credit, the solar industry is sure to be on firm footing for many more years.

Demand Energy Commissions Solar-Plus-Energy-Storage Microgrid at Manufacturing Facility in Costa Rica

Largest microgrid in Central America provides multiple grid services plus critical power backup, managed by companys DEN.OSTM software control platform

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EVERVOLT home battery storage: Dependable power, with or without solar

EVERVOLT home battery storage: Dependable power, with or without solar

Whether paired with solar or used independently, the renewable energy stored in an EVERVOLT home battery system serves as a reliable backup against unpredictable utility grid fluctuations and weather-related events. Keep essential appliances running longer and maintain your lifestyle during unforeseen circumstances. Our EVERVOLT battery storage systems are backed by a comprehensive 12-year warranty from Panasonic, including coverage for labor. Learn More about Panasonic EVERVOLT.