Jet travel has both been a time saver and a giant waste of energy. More fuel has been consumed in jet travel than by all the cars in the US combined. About 19.4 billion gallons of fuel are consumed by air travel within the US. Since these planes cannot use an alternative fuel, conservation is the only answer.


Somewhere in the mid 1980's, the NAHB Research Center in Washington was run by a guy I knew (whose name I can't seem to dig up) who had a wacky vision. His idea was to reinvent the way electrical power was distributed throughout the home. They called it Smart Home (not to be confused with the Disney movie of the same name or other stuff that uses that name now). I think it was the first use of the name.


Basically, Pigouvian taxes would tax the things we do not want in our society, like toxins and greenhouse gases, and NOT tax things we like in society, like employment and housing. For example, when coal power plants emit traces of mercury, we should not tax the power produced, but the harmful mercury emitted.


The world must now find ways to create the eternal paradigm for the infinite future of life on Earth, and I suggest that we may be able to begin the construction of an infrastructure that will still 100% sustainably serve those who live 1000 generations from now


It is much easier to stress the unreliability of RE if you ignore the fact that wind and sun were never meant for baseload energy production, and that hydro, biomass, geothermal, etc. are continuous, storable and in fact easier to turn up/off than nuclear.

Small behavioural changes, big effects

The environmental cost of raising cattle through conventional farming, slaughtering the animal and distributing the meat. Producing a kilo of beef causes the equivalent of 36.4 kilos of CO2.

Do We need Nuclear Energy

So what unknown but magical benefit to nuclear power exists to make nuclear so incredibly attractive to some political leaders? Unfortunately and admittedly, this author does not know.

SUV Drivers vs You

SUV drivers pollute the planet with their gas-guzzling snobbism. Or do they?

A Federal Energy Policy: Can It Happen Here?

It would take nothing short of a sea change to overcome Congressional inertia and recover the ground lost in the last 25 years or so. But though the prospects for a truly coherent national energy policy are improving -- and the need has never been greater -- both the citizenry and the current Congress are far too complacent to entertain changes that might involve belt-tightening and discipline.

Fire The Oil Industry as the Monopoly Vendor

Replace oil? How can something so monumental be accomplished? Preempt waste, start small, provide better service at lower cost and think better.

Environmental Policy May Contain Traces of Nuts

Should we choose to have 20% of our power production ideologically clean, or 80% of our electricity needs atmospherically clean? The answer is: we should do both.

Random Thoughts from this Year's Renewable Energy Fair

Reducing one's energy overhead costs relatively little and produces a revenue stream that appreciates over time. Replacing one's energy infrastructure with on-site renewable systems, in contrast, will require a sizable up-front financial commitment relative to what it will produce over time.

Changing America's Economic Lifeblood from Oil to Ingenuity

We can change the lifeblood of our economy from oil to ingenuity. It is that way in communications. It was that way with transportation. Open rights of way to innovation. Ingenuity will flourish or fail based on the value created minus the cost to compete.

Humbugs Along the Potomac

EIA's monthly and annual predictions have only one purpose: to prevent the mainstream media from alerting the driving public to the fragility of the domestic energy picture.

The Hydrogen Economy

Oil finding rates -- increasingly difficult and costly-- are now only about 50% of current oil consumption. Does more need to be said for the inevitable "Hydrogen Economy"?

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