Safer Water With Solar

When I give seminars to school age children on solar cooking I usually see a student with a clear bottle of water and I ask them, "did you have to get that water out of a river running behind your house? Did you have to dig a hole in your yard to find that water?" They laugh. Millions around the world have to get their drinking water every day that way.

Save Money And Keep Cool This Summer By Increasing Your Air Conditioning IQ

Consumers can avoid getting caught in the heat of the moment by maintaining or replacing air conditioning equipment

Sustainability At Home

Living with an 'ecological consciousness' is the way of connecting with the life-giving energy of the earth and understanding that our soul and the earth are one in the same.

Chill Out! Refrigerators Use A Lot Of Energy!

One thing is perfectly clear: you would be foolish not to use at least a conventional energy-star refrigerator, and even with those, you need to be aware that there is a wide variation, mostly dependent on style and features of the unit.

Klipheuwel Wind Turbine Project In South Africa

Eskom has gone to lengths to make this installation blend with the environment. Virtually no real estate is taken up (farming can be done right underneath the units) and standing under windmills of this size not unpleasant at all ... even the cows seem to like the gentle swishing sound they make ... as witnessed by the locations of their deposits :-)

Lighting The Way To Energy Efficiency - And Cost Savings- With Whole-Home Lighting Controls

It's not often we associate something that consumes power-such as lighting-as a means to saving or conserving, but by their inherent design and very purpose, lighting controls are a way to not only save electricity and related costs, they're a fun, convenient and futuristic way to go about it.

Product Review - Cost Control Power Consumption Monitor

Take a moment to program in your electric utility rate ($ per kwh) and the unit will tell you the total cost of running the appliance during the time of monitoring. Push the "Cost" button again and it will calculate the cost per day ... another button push = cost per month and one more push forecasts the cost per year.

Shir Hadash Goes Solar

EcoEnegies helps congregation Shir Hadash go solar.

Sierra Solar Commissions Largest Residential Photovoltaic System In California At 57 KW

This huge residential system was a great success for the Laursens, and for Sierra Solar Systems who provided the equipment. The family has now completely eliminated their high utility bill and will be powering their home for generations to come with clean renewable energy. In addition, local wildlife will receive the benefit of a year-round drinking supply.

Solar Heating,Cooling & Refrigeration - Using The Sun For Emergency Preparedness

It is not fun being without air conditioning in the summer. Several years ago we had our house unit go out on the hottest day of the year. It was 126 degrees F in the shade and even hotter in the house. Fish were dying and we were miserable. After searching for two days I finally found a window swamp cooler that got us by until we could get the house air conditioner fixed.

The Value Of Energy Efficiency In Stand Alone PV Systems: A Simple Approach

We know that conservation is important, but exactly how many dollars should be invested to save a KWH? We answer this question by comparing the investment necessary to produce one KWH/day with the cost of conserving one KWH/day. Even though a KWH is relatively expensive, with effective investments in conservation you can substantially reduce the total cost of operating a home with a stand alone power system.

Trends In Residential Energy Management

Expect cautious incursions into the world of deployed energy management solutions in the beginning. Eventually, however, we believe that commercial deployments in larger numbers will be the norm, at least in certain markets. After 30+ years of watching a market evolve at a painstakingly tortuous pace, the next few years should provide some interest and excitement.

Advantages of Electric Automobiles

The automobile manufacturers claim that very few people (apparently less than 1000 people in the USA) are willing to buy electric automobiles. However, I know many of us would like to "refuel" our cars by plugging them into an electric outlet at home. If we work together by educating the public, the news media, and the automobile manufacturers, we can make production volume electric automobiles and Grid Rechargeable (plug-in) electric-biodiesel hybrid automobiles a reality.

Battery Maintenance

Remember to keep your batteries full and happy to improve the performance of your alternative energy system. Since alternative energy is the wave of the future let us pioneers learn how to operate them properly today!

How I Get My Hot Water Fast

Electricity savings for a household of four occupants varied from about 200 kW-h/year to 400 kW-h/year for a single point of use. Extrapolation to a home with at least four points of use would imply electricity savings from 800 kW-h/year to 1600 kW-h/year.

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Our RE Series batteries are designed to provide the highest peak capacity, longest cycle life, and greatest reliability for use in industrial or residential renewable energy applications. Renewable Energy Series batteries utilize the company's exclusive XC2â„¢ formulation and Diamond Plate Technology® to create the industry's most efficient battery plates, delivering greater watt-hours per liter and watt-hours per kilogram than any other flooded lead-acid battery in the market. Our Deep Cycle batteries are engineered to work with solar panels as well as other renewable energy applications.