Soltec and Fraunhofer ISE jointly develop cost competitive prototype for next-generation concentrating photovoltaics
Soltec, a vertically integrated company specializing in the manufacture of solar trackers for large-scale projects, has partnered with the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE to develop an innovative prototype oftwo-axis tracker for concentrating photovoltaic applications. This project, led by Fraunhofer ISE, aims to use the most advanced solar tracker technology of Soltec and adapt it specifically to the requirements of a new generation of micro-CPV modules which operate at nearly one thousand suns concentration. The micro-CPV modules place stringent requirements on tracking accuracy in two directions to point the CPV modules always precisely towards the sun. By this, maximum electricity generation is reached throughout the day from sunrise to sunset.
The Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE, highly recognized for its research and advancements in photovoltaic technology, has entrusted Soltec to design and build a new solar tracker that meets stringent requirements for precision and structural robustness. This collaboration combines Soltec’s highly qualified expertise in mechanical design of solar trackers with Fraunhofer’s experience in developing highest performance concentrating photovoltaic (CPV) modules. The latest micro-CPV technology of the institute reaches 36,5% conversion efficiency and promises to increase electricity generation by 30% compared to the most efficient solutions today.
The solar tracker is a requirement for power generation in concentrating PV modules and the new development targets a combination of structural robustness, scalability, cost competitiveness and the ability to coordinate precise movements with a wide range of rotation. The first prototype will be used to test the precision of tracking accuracy throughout the day. In a later stage, the system can be equipped with 15.7 kWp of micro-CPV panels. “We prepare the path for concentrating photovoltaics to re-enter the market with a competitive product which convinces investors by its high energy yield, robustness and sustainability.” said Dr. Frank Dimroth, head of III-V and concentrating photovoltaics at Fraunhofer ISE. “Resource efficiency becomes an increasingly important topic in photovoltaics and our technology immediately reduces module areas by 30% and semiconductors by 1300 times. We believe that this technology should find its market share for PV power plants in sun-rich countries of the world”.
The new concentrating photovoltaic system not only breaks paradigms in traditional 2-axis solar tracker design but also aligns with emerging sector trends such as solar hydrogen generation and AgriPV. The latter combines solar energy generation with agriculture. The tracker’s ability to adapt to different orientations and topographic conditions makes it an ideal solution for these applications. Furthermore, CPV modules transmit diffuse radiation of the sun and allow plants to receive sufficient sunlight for their growth while protecting them from excessive high-intensity radiation.
“This collaboration between Soltec and Fraunhofer ISE confirms the innovative vision of both institutions. It is a pleasure for us to work with this internationally renowned institute, and we look forward to continuing our collaboration in the future to further elevate the use of solar energy. These advancements not only represent a step forward in photovoltaic solar energy but also expand its application possibilities across various sectors,” said Eduardo de San Nicolás, Chief Strategy and Innovation Officer at Soltec.
About Soltec:
Soltec is a company specializing in vertically integrated solutions in the photovoltaic solar energy sector, with a strong commitment to innovation and sustainability. Headquartered in Murcia, the company was founded in 2004 and currently operates in 16 countries, with a strong presence in Spain, North America, and Latin America. The company has been listed on the Spanish Continuous Market since 2020.
Soltec structures its activities through two major business areas: i) the photovoltaic project development division, with a strong environmental, social, and governance commitment, and ii) the industrial division, through which it offers additional construction services and asset management of the company’s portfolio, aiming to maximize its medium- and long-term benefits.
About Fraunhofer ISE:
The Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE in Freiburg, Germany is the largest solar research institute in Europe. With a staff of about 1400, we are committed to promoting a sustainable, economic, secure and socially just energy supply system based on renewable energy sources. We contribute to this through our main research areas of energy provision, energy distribution, energy storage and energy utilization. Through outstanding research results, successful industrial projects, spin-off companies and global collaborations, we are shaping the sustainable transformation of the energy system.
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