Kickoff of US Solar Industry's National Event Turns Into Suniva and SolarWorld Smackdown
Julian Spector for GTM: In just five months, Suniva went from being another victim of a tough market to Solar Enemy Number One.
The journey to industry pariah began when Suniva filed a rare Section 201 trade complaint under the 1974 Trade Act, which seeks to impose tariffs on imported cells and a module floor price. That remedy could eliminate tens of gigawatts of solar installations compared to business as usual, according to GTM Research.
The Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) quickly picked up the lead in opposing that move, which has already caused uncertainty and affected prices as developers lock up modules.
The animus reached its apex in the opening session of the SEIA-sponsored 2017 Solar Power International conference, which quickly became an unrestrained bash-fest against Suniva and fellow petitioner SolarWorld.
“This is really a case about two companies that are saying, ‘We can’t compete, and we need help,’” said SEIA President Abigail Ross Hopper in her introduction. Full Article:
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