Solar Decathlon - Hot and Heavy Action

The Solar Decathlon, an international competition hosted by the US Department of Energy (DOE), is showcasing solar-powered home designs created by students from around the world. Students selected to participate were given two years to design and build the prototype solar homes, which must be carbon neutral and completely powered by the sun. The projects, many costing hundreds of thousands of dollars, were on display at the National Mall in Washington through Sunday (Oct. 18) and Team Germany took top honors. The 800-square-feet homes must be completely powered by the sun. They are meant to be prototype zero-energy, zero-carbon homes.

Comments (2)

Gentlemen, I think that cooling(air and water) could be the most wanted application ,both in building,and industrial sites. For example,in an oil refinery,the greatest electric energy consummers are the pump stations of the cooling water,which is recirculated between the processes heat exchangers and the cooling tower. The water flow,between 10,000 m3/h and 20,000 m3/h,depending of the refinery`s capacity,has bed efficiency in the summer months,when the pumped water excedes 28 C.IF YOU COULD COOL THIS WATER FLOW,WITH AMMONIA COMPRESSORS,OR WITH OTHER TECHNOLOGY,the efficiency of the refinery`s condensers could improve very much.We have this problem,in our Petromidia refinery,in Romania(member of ROMPETROL GROUP)
Quite impressive array design however, what is the actual length of testing prior to setting up the first on site unit? please get in touch with me. James Robert Seidel

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