Sony Direct Methanol Fuel Cells

Sony will be soon exhibiting its cordless speaker system and cell phone chargers that are powered by its direct methanol fuel cells (DMFC), where the fuel methanol is located within a transparent tank. A lithium ion secondary battery is used to compensate for low outputs of tiny DMFCs, enabling mobile devices to handle steep current peaks without any detrimental effect. The cell phone chargers rely on USB connectivity to keep your precious handsets juiced up .

Comments (2)

this is the most informative and comprehendible info that we have found; thank you! We have been seeking advice and professional input regarding our new off grid construction, but there is a challenge in matching our life style and needs to those who sell products. We are installing a 400 w system, which will power our home -- dc refrigerator, led lights, cistern pump with storage tank and solar hot water, mobile device charging, sound system, outdoor lighting, etc (compost toilet, wood cook stove with hot water heating). We are still in the installation and wiring process, which is what is proving to be challenging! Would love to learn more!
Thank you for the interesting article, I would like to add in an off grid system into my new home to use in power outage situations and to also reduce the amount of energy I currently use on grid. So in short I want to build into my new home some DC outlets and wire them back to a bank of batteries in my garage however I am not sure what size or type of wire I would need to buy to run through the walls. I expect it would be much like the wiring of an RV however I don't know much about that wire either. Can anyone help? Also what weight and type of wire would you need to run out of the house to a solar panel or panels? Thank you LE

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