Collaborative project involving Pixie Energy awarded funding by BEIS
Pixie Energy - a subsidiary of Cornwall Insight Group - in collaboration with Powervault and Sustainable Venture Development Partners has been awarded funding by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy's (BEIS) domestic demand-side response (DSR) competition. The funding was allocated for the Whole House Energy Management for DSR project.
Pixie Energy - a subsidiary of Cornwall Insight Group - in collaboration with Powervault and Sustainable Venture Development Partners has been awarded funding by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy's (BEIS) domestic demand-side response (DSR) competition. The funding was allocated for the Whole House Energy Management for DSR project.
The project integrates hot water controllers with the new Powervault 3 system. These are deployed in trial homes in the UK to test the ability for Powervault to control water heating devices and to assess the following benefits which are achieved for customers based on dynamic tariff integration.
Dan Starman, Senior Consultant at Pixie Energy, said:
"It is excellent news that the Whole House Energy Management for DSR project has been awarded funding by BEIS. Intelligent energy consumption plays a pivotal role in helping the government reach its carbon targets and taking advantage of the technological advances available will no doubt help towards this goal.
"This project will be trialling a smarter home that responds to variable prices, by maximising demand when power is cheap and minimising demand when power is expensive. The aim will be to explore whether customers will benefit from more affordable energy use by avoiding peak periods using demand management and battery storage. Rolled out at scale, this could support wider system security and possibly carbon emissions.
"This should enable homes to consume power more intelligently with minimal impact to the householders' lifestyle. We are delighted to be collaborating with Powervault and Sustainable Venture Development Partners in this new trial for water heating solutions."