Interconnection Workshop at Solar Power Southeast

Want to know what's working and what's not with interconnection in the Southeast and across the country?

Clear interconnection standards are the "rules of the road" of the grid. They are essential to maintaining system safety and reliability, while also enabling the adoption of renewable energy, energy storage and other emerging energy technologies.

Want to know what's working and what's not with interconnection in the Southeast and across the country?

Join IREC and SEIA at Solar Power Southeast in Atlanta on Monday, May 14 from 1:00-4:30 pm for an in-depth, pre-conference workshop on interconnection and state renewable energy projects, energy storage and other distributed energy resources.

And hear Brian Lydic, regulatory engineer for IREC, talk about smart inverters and other emerging issues stemming from new revisions to IEEE 1547, the compliance standards for interconnection of distributed energy resources (DER) with electric power systems (EPS) and associated interfaces.


About IREC
IREC is an independent national not-for- profit organization that envisions a world powered by clean sustainable energy, where society's interests are valued and protected. Since 1982, IREC increases access to sustainable energy and energy efficiency through independent fact-based policy leadership, quality work force development and consumer empowerment. Our work in nearly every state has built a strong foundation of state and national clean energy policies and best practices, and quality workforce training standards and programs.

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