Low carbon heat: levelling the playing field
Natural Power's Senior Renewable Heat Manager, Andy Yuill, will be joining speakers at Scottish Renewables' Low Carbon Heat Conference on 24th April 2018 at The Studio in Glasgow.
As part of plenary session two ‘Levelling the playing field, chaired by Scottish Renewables Senior Policy Manager, Fabrice Leveque, Andy joins Tanja Groth, Decentralised Energy Manager at Carbon Trust; Richard Lowes, Researcher at University of Exeter and Dr David Hawkey, Research Fellow, Sustainable Heat & Local Energy at University of Edinburgh on the panel.
With the UK Government set to consider how it will support renewable heat beyond the end of the Renewable Heat Incentive scheme in 2021, this session will look in detail at current and future incentives. Should incentives continue in their current form, or can lessons be learnt from proposed regulatory approaches for district heating? And what new revenue opportunities might arise from a decentralised energy system?
The conference as a whole will take stock of recent policy changes and explore solutions to the variety of barriers facing projects on the ground. It will also examine current innovations being developed in Scotland and look ahead to future opportunities for more. Delegates will hear from senior figures in government, industry and academia and have the opportunity to set out their views as Scottish Renewables seeks to shape and accelerate the future of low-carbon heat in Scotland.
Key issues covered:
• What are the key next steps following the Scottish Energy Strategy and UK Clean Growth Strategy?
• How should consumers be incentivised beyond 2021?
• What are the other challenges facing low-carbon heat projects and how can they be addressed?
• Will the Scottish Governments regulatory plans for district heat increase uptake and lower costs?
• What opportunities for innovation in heat arise from the UK Government Industrial Strategy and from the next network price control period?
To find out more and book a place, visit http://www.scottishrenewables.com/events/heat18/
About Andy Yuill
Andy Yuill heads up the renewable heat team at Natural Power providing advice on the feasibility, design and operations of district heating, geothermal and renewable heat projects across Europe. He has a Masters Degree in Manufacturing Engineering and a Masters in Science with distinction in Sustainable Energy Systems. His professional experience includes technical design advice on a range of renewable energy technologies and risk management on high profile system integration projects. He has led feasibility studies for bioenergy and large district heating systems, and has been directly responsible for the design, installation and commissioning of a range of bioenergy and renewable heat systems. He is currently operating as Owners Engineer for a number of projects.
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