Economic Feasibility of Moringa- Castor Bean - Camelina: Dual cropping in same acreage for Sustainable Biodiesel Production

With introduction of Camelina and Castor Bean crops with MOMAX3 Moringa, as much as 1450 gallon of oil can be produced per year from a well developed, properly cared and efficiently managed Moringa Farm

The Advanced Biofuel Center (ABC) reported its progress on its work with its mission "more Moringa " by developing MOMAX3, the perennial Moringa variety for production of more oil per hectare. After introduction and success of MOMAX3-Maru-Moringa, researchers at ABC were further engaged in find out the best alloy cropping for the in between row space of MOMAX3 Plantation. With introduction of Camelina and Castor Bean crops with MOMAX3 Moringa, as much as 1450 gallon of oil can be produced per year from a well developed, properly cared and efficiently managed Moringa Farm

The current dependence of road transport on fossil fuels is not sustainable. Reserves of non-renewable raw materials will run out, climate change is accelerating and the carrying capacity of our planet is not limitless. Options are required to make better use of existing resources. Renewable energy solutions are the way to sustainable future. We are combining the bio and forest industries to enable achievement of the zero emissions by 2100 target set by the UN Climate Change Panel (IPCC). A combination of several factors including high crude oil price, legislation, climate change, etc, is driving Biodiesel development globally. Biodiesel is a safe, non-toxic, biodegradable and renewable fuel that can be easily used in unmodified diesel engines, and a variety of other applications.

Biodiesel Industry Trends and Analysis

The biodiesel industry has struggled to see the impressive growth levels of the early 2010s, but the future of the industry is not in question. The world is moving toward fuels that offer a more sustainable approach. Because of the strict quality standards that the biodiesel industry demands, transitioning to this fuel is easier, safer, and cheaper than converting other biofuels for use.

Demands for biofuels may have peaked between 2015-2017, but transportation networks have become more active once again. The shipping industries are putting more miles onto roadways. It is only a matter of time before an even higher demand for biodiesel is expected.

Future biodiesel production should be sourced from crop feedstocks such as moringa, pongamia and castor that can be grown on marginal land. This will ensure establishment of a sustainable biodiesel industry that will not compete for land and other resources with the rest of the agricultural sector that produces food and fibre.

In addition, sustainable biodiesel production will rely significantly on the capacity to run economically viable and profitable operations that will be resilient to fluctuations in fossil and non-fossil fuel prices, and government policies in relation to renewable energy and carbon emission reductions.

With years of continuing research, experiments and trials has provided an adage to find and develop sustainable second-generation biodiesel feedstock with low cost input technology. In the search for more environmentally friendly fuels, the use of Moringa oil as "Biodiesel" has proven to have technical and ecological benefits, and stands as an opportunity for agricultural development in arid and impoverished areas throughout the tropics and sub tropics globally. Besides reducing life-cycle emissions because of its high oil content (40%), relatively high crop yield and no competition with food crops.
About Advanced Biofuel Center and Moringa varietal innovation
Advanced Biofuel Center (ABC) recently announced progress on its work with Moringa Oleifera, a multidiemenson tree that bears high value oilseeds. ABC has unveiled the Moringa oil industrys most productive seeds worldly known as MOMAX3, which promise to deliver three times the yield of the industry average.
ABC breakthroughs in Moringa oil Plantation, a new Moringa tree varietal, and a high-amount Moringa oils. ABC revealed that a new varietal of Moringa tree Seed had been developed after several years research and trials. This varietal has been named Maru-Moringa(MOMAX3) due to the location of its discovery.The MOMAX3 cultivar is noteworthy for producing a very high quality of Moringa oil with five times more quantity than available Moringa seeds variety.
Groundbreaking research at the ABC has also shown that Moringa Oleifera plants can produce Biofuel more efficiently than other well-known feedstocks.
ABCs new seeds promise to increase yield from two to three tonnes of Seeds per hectare per year for a tree of prime age, to more than 8 tonnes—more than three times the industry average. The average yield of Moringa oil Seeds elsewhere in world has been stagnant at around less than one tonne of seed per hectare per year.
The new seeds will also enable Moringa trees to reach maturity much faster. MOMAX3 Moringa tree starts to bear fruit four months after planting and will produce a higher ratio of oil, according to ABC.
The MOMAX 3 trees are expected to yield 6-10 tonnes of Seeds per hectare with 2 harvest per year
"The interest from growers in acquiring MOMAX3 Moringa has been extremely high. They see it as providing them with a competitive edge because of its characteristics."
Moringa Research & Development
To grow a successful, sustainable biodiesel industry, feedstock development is essential. "You can't understand the feedstock potential without understanding the agricultural differences."
There needs to be crop protection and risk mitigation to successfully develop new biodiesel feedstock's.
Energy crop company ABC (Advanced Biofuel Center) has developed rust-resistant Superior MOMAX3 of Moringa through its research, many experiments, field trials and demonstrations. Introduction of the trait provides a critical defensive attribute to ensure plant health and yield preservation for the energy crop. The super food-production aspect of Moringa research reveals that it is potentially gold standard when it comes to sustainability - The MOMAX3 Moringa farms "shows real promise to transform unproductive land into productive farmland supporting food security and cleaner skies. Advanced Biofuel Center (ABC), a bioenergy crop company using breeding and biotechnology to develop elite improved seeds of Perennial Moringa, has announced that its improved seeds on average provide 300% more of the yield of existing commercial varieties planted in similar conditions. As a result, MOMAX3 seeds results in greater uniformity and vigor while significantly reducing seed handling and deployment costs. This discovery enables ABC to add rust-resistance high yielding Superior MOMAX3 for achieving yield targets with an integrated approach that manages planting risk and maintains yield performance under a variety of stresses and adverse conditions. In addition to improved disease resistance, additional plant attributes of ABC's Superior MOMAX3 include improved germination rates and improved stress and insect tolerance.
Moringa Seed oil yield and resource use efficiency depend on successful plant establishment in the field, and it is the vigour of seeds that defines their ability to germinate and establish seedlings rapidly, uniformly, and robustly across diverse environmental conditions. Improving vigour to enhance the critical and yield-defining stage of crop establishment remains a primary objective of the Advanced Biofuel Center. That is why ABC's Superior MOMAX3 also exhibit early flowering and fruiting.
ABC's MOMAX Knowledge Center is professionally managed trials where ABC evaluates hundreds of Superior MOMAX3 in a range of environmental and agronomic conditions. The center serve as outdoor classrooms where ABC agronomists and technical teams conduct training and field tours with customers and growers, and develop enhanced agronomic studies and recommendations while advancing the top performing Moringa Superior MOMAX3 for commercial deployment.
Enhanced cultivation Technology
Even a superior genotype variety planted in inadequate soil and improperly cared for, will be unable to reach its potential and will create dissatisfied stakeholders. The ABCs goal is to triple Moringa yields within 10 years, increase the oil content to 48 percent and in combination of other crops the target oil yield is 1500 gallon per ha. Further, to increase the quality of the oils and other products produced—while minimizing inputs including pesticides and fertilizers. The years of continuous research, experiments and in cultivating and breeding of Moringa Oleifera and other biofuel crops, ABC was able to develop a systematic breeding and cultivar development strategy. Newly bred cultivars are extensively tested in multi-location trials and true to type seeds are being produced with high quality standard

Moringa as a source of biodiesel

The oil from the Moringa tree is a more sustainable biodiesel feedstock as it can yield both food and fuel. Among those searching for solutions to feed the hungry, Moringa is well known. Malnourished children flourish with the introduction of the nutritious Moringa leaf crop, which provides protein, vitamins and minerals in their diets. The greatest potential for this species is currently thought to be in its cultivation for the production of biodiesel. Yields of about 6-9 metric tons of seeds per hectare per year are achievable for this species. This would equate to between 3000 and 4000 liters of biodiesel per hectare per annum. It is particularly desirable because it is a very low water-use crop and may be cultivated on marginal land commercially
Food v Fuel & Moringa
Globally, about 870 million people do not have enough to eat, and more than two billion suffer from micronutrient deficiency, according to United Nations (UN) food agencies.

The Moringa tree is increasingly considered as one of the world's most valuable natural resources, as the main constituents of the tree have several nutritive ingredients. Its leaves, pods and flowers are considered good sources of vitamins A, B, B2, B3, B6 and C, folic acid, ascorbic acid, beta-carotene, calcium, iron, and amino acids. More importantly, its leaves are highly nutritious; being a significant source of beta-carotene, vitamin C, protein, iron and potassium Arial. Moringa oleifera is an essential plant in meeting global food security and sustain the livelihoods of many millions of people.

ILUC discussion and Moringa

Many studies have shown there is enough land available to produce more food, more feed and more biofuels. Though the discussion of indirect land use change (ILUC) caused by biofuels is not scientifically supported, the Moringa does not causes land use change. Contrary to it Moringa is targeted for marginal lands which are unproductive. Most importantly it is food crop and same time it yields biodiesel- a perfect answer to the unscientific discussion
Biodiesel can make a large contribution to the worlds future energy requirements; this is a resource we cannot ignore. The challenge is to harness it on an environmentally and economically manner and without compromising food security.

Economics: Cost & benefit ratio

As per ABC studies, which estimate that Moringa orchard crop area will expand at a yearly rate of 120,000 ha, so bringing world crop area to around 1 million ha up to 2025.
As per Our study, Today, the Global Moringa Market is estimated at more than US$ 5.0 Billion, which is expected to cross US$ 8.3 Billion by 2020, growing at a rate of more than nine per cent annually.
Moringa acres in 2017 were 35% more compared to 2016, but Moringa India has posted a string of successes over the last 24 months in the area of improved cultivar and technology.

Their successive technology and market milestones over the past few years sparked investment interest.
For years scientists at ABC, have been working on developing new perennial variety for the oilseed Moringa crop and have introduced world's highest yielding variety MOMAX3 Moringa for plantation for seed oil production.
Moringa has attracted attention as pressure mounts to find sustainable alternative fuels to help meet countries' renewable energy targets and cut greenhouse gas emissions, without interfering with agricultural production. Researchers at ABC has honour to establish this untapped resource as alternative source for Bio- Diesel industry of future as Moringa is a strong candidate to contribute significant amounts of biofuel feedstock.
Moringa oil has also the potential to displace diesel oil in the industry because of high stability of biofuel produced from Moringa oil
Moringa is a sustainable and environmentally friendly alternative to Mineral oils as it's seeds gives better oil than Palm, canola corn and soybean for biofuel production
By using Moringa tree for biodiesel production and then utilizing the waste for further oil extraction. Using current proven sate of art agronomy, enhanced cultivator and technologies developed by BBA, the biodiesel from Moringa would be economically viable.
By growing MOMAX3 Moringa as Monocrop , the Moringa Biodiesel can be produced< US$ 30 per barrel, see detailed economics
Moringa Couple Crop Technology
MOMAX3 Moringa with Camelina & Castor crops in same acreage could extend production, increase profits
Imagine an Moringa tree farm. Most are planted with row upon row of trees. Now imagine that same field with rows of crops between the rows of Moringa trees. This concept is called Couple or Companion cropping. Couple cropping helps growers diversify by growing long-term Moringa tree crops alongside short-term cash crops like camelina , castor etc..
The need was arose just to meet out the weeding problem and enhance the profit per ha by increase oil yield per ha by introducing some short duration viable oil crops. Researchers needed to find the right type of oil crop to make intercropping with Moringa plants: two or more dedicated oil Crops in same acreage and that without extra inputs. A perfect match would be a crop that provided the right amount of oil without extra inputs
This Dual cropping is a type of intercropping, which is the practice of combining crops and trees into one farming system. The dual income from the land can bring greater economic security to farmers.
Alley cropping is not only useful for diversifying a farm's income. Fields with trees capture more carbon than fields without trees. Trees protect the crops planted alongside them by providing shade and wind protection.
The scientists at ABC finally selected short duration camelina crop in winter/spring planting and castor beans in summer planting in rotation with Pea nut and Brassica juncea
About MOMAX3 Maru-Moringa Perennial Trees
ABC's elite Moringa Oleifera variety ‘Maru-Moringa (MOMax3™) will yield at maturity as high as 3-4000 liters of oil per hectare,
Once considered a weed, camelina is gaining popularity in some parts of the country as a soil-protecting winter cover crop. Additionally, its seed contains high-quality oil for use in cooking and as biodiesel, offering a renewable alternative to imported petroleum.) scientists at ABC have been on the forefront of studies to make camelina and other Biodiesel oilseed crops more profitable for Project developers to grow, easier for industry to process, and better performing as finished biofuels and other products. At ABC, the scientists are evaluating the outcome of integrating camelina, castor , flaxseed and other oilseeds with plantings of perennial tree oil crops such as jatropha, Moringa, mahua, pongamia .
Camelina oil has been found to contain high amounts of omega - 3 fatty acids, like flaxseed oil, which make it suitable for use as a nutritional supplement and a general purpose oil.
Castor Beans
ABC is engaged in the development and commercialization of high yielding castor bean seeds as a cost competitive, sustainable, second-generation feedstock for the growing biofuel market. Castor is a high-value crop that has the potential to diversify our crop portfolio and crop rotation systems. Through CBMAX9™ improved seed product line, we provide the highest yielding, most uniform and profitable Castor in the world with 1.8 ton oil per ha
The couple crop selected looked good on paper. But the researchers needed to know how the companion would work out long term.
How would the Camelina crop affect the performance of the Moringa plants?
Would the Camelina & Castor interfere with the farming system for perennial Moringa ?
And would Growers/Producers be able to profit from the Camelina/Castor-duo crop?
The years of continuous research, experiments and trials have given ABC a big breakthrough in finding a Failsafe, Solid and a viable matching crops with Moringa
According to the ABC, it has developed a highly productive procedure and system of plantation of a couple of oil crops in same land area and a set of best practices that will enable high oil yields.
"ABC realized that the Moringa intercropped with Camelina/Castor Bean is a 'perfect combination.' This partnership benefits the Moringa plants and improves environmental conditions. It also provides a extra source of income to Moringa producers
ABC's Scientists planted Moringa MOMAX3 plants with spring camelina and summer Castor crops. Over three years, the Scientists recorded information regarding application of inputs and plants performance. They also kept track of how much Moringa and camelina+castor each experimental plot produced.
"ABC had to adapt and create new management and monitoring specific to the intercropping system adopted,"
The above alloy Intercropping system also improves soil fertility. This means Growers/Producers can produce more crops with less fertilizers and pesticides. Plus shaded Moringa plantations can reduce water pollution and help decrease the greenhouse effect.
Currently, 90% of Moringa farms grow Moringa as a monocrop. But based on this study, more Growers/Producers may decide to intercrop with Camelina+Castor Crops. "We found that Growers/Producers could use several varieties of Camelina+Castor in the intercropping system. But Camelina+Castor cultivar CBMAX9 is the most suitable for intercropping with Moringa. This variety of Camelina+Castor provides the best economic result. The financial benefit of this combination is 200% higher than the monocropped Moringa," said Maharshi.
"With introduction of Camelina and Castor Bean crops with MOMAX3 Moringa, as much as 1450 gallon of oil can be produced per year from a well developed, properly cared and efficiently managed Moringa Farm"
The Moringa oil tree couple crop technology shall be showcased to the participants of 6th Global Moringa Meet 2018: 2days International Workshop on Moringa production & application and also to the registrants of Moringa Farm stay Programme
The booking is open , to secure your place click here
For more information Please contact

Director (Moringa)
Advanced Biofuel Center
T +91 141 2335839
F: +91 141 2335968
M- +91 982943333,

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