Natural Power adds to Heat Network Consultant Status

Natural Power's Senior Renewable Heat Manager, Andy Yuill, has joined the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE) Certification Register of Heat Network Consultants following his training and exam success.

He joins his colleagues, Guy Milligan, accepted earlier this year, and Steve Smith, who was officially accepted as the first Scottish-based CIBSE registered Heat Network Consultant last year. This makes Natural Power the consultancy with the largest number of accredited heat network consultants in Scotland.

Andy said: "Standards and codes of practice such as the CIBSE Heat Networks Code of Practice are essential to ensure the implementation of heat networks in the UK deliver long-term benefit. We are seeing a lot of contracts referencing this code of practice, which is welcomed. A key value from this code will be its use as a reference point for projects to be reviewed against at each stage of delivery and answer the question of ‘is this project as good as it can be?"

The Code of Practice has been jointly developed between CIBSE and the Association for Decentralised Energy to ensure that district heating networks in the UK are designed, built and operated to a high standard. The Code of Practice sets best standards for the specification and development of district heating and can be used when specifying new projects or remedial works to existing district heating networks, and when reviewing a project at every stage of its lifecycle.

District heat networks
District heat networks are a key component to reducing the carbon intensity of the heat used in industry and in homes. District heat networks are commonplace in continental Europe, where they enable individual sites to access decentralised sources of low carbon heat such as combined heat and power plants or recovered waste heat in a low cost and secure manner.

To ensure that the low cost and secure aspects of district heating are delivered to the end user, the heat network needs to be designed and operated correctly. The Heat Networks: Code of Practice for the UK builds on the experience of existing heat networks in the UK and abroad to provide a consistent set of standards to ensure that the growing district heating industry in the UK deploys new networks which are in line with best practice.

About Andy Yuill
Andy Yuill heads up the renewable heat team at Natural Power providing advice on the feasibility, design and operations of district heating, geothermal and renewable heat projects across Europe. He has a Masters Degree in Manufacturing Engineering and a Masters in Science with distinction in Sustainable Energy Systems. His professional experience includes technical design advice on a range of renewable energy technologies and risk management on high profile system integration projects. He has led feasibility studies for bioenergy and large district heating systems, and has been directly responsible for the design, installation and commissioning of a range of bioenergy and renewable heat systems. He is currently operating as Owners Engineer for a number of projects.

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