Creating impacts to the society with Surya Utama Nuansa (SUN)
Surya Utama Nuansa (SUN) is a one of the leading start-up renewable energy company focusing on solar energy. We are experienced as the industry frontrunner in power and automated solutions, providing innovative technologies that bring convenience to human kind and the most powerful impact can be achieved through the provision of electrical infrastructure.
Indonesia has the potential to generate 200,000 MW of electricity using renewable energy, of which only 6.8% is realised. Not many people are aware of this fact, which will greatly help the government to achieve the 25% target of ‘National Renewable Energy Mix in 2025, and reduce the number of villages unreachable by the national electricity grid.
Setting the goal to help this nation and people who live in remote areas, Surya Utama Nuansa (SUN) was established in 25 August 2016. For about a year, weve been improving our energy solutions, services and products to present the best for our customers. Now we are finally ready to greet the media.
SUN creates tailored solutions for each customer based on their needs and situation, using only the most advanced and innovative technologies such as solar window, solar blinds, energy metering system, and smart home products.
The products that we provide also have a long warranty period, which decreases the need for maintenance costs. We also invite capable and experienced Solar EPC players to join us in delivering large-scale, sophisticated projects such as the Indonesia 100 Smart Cities programs among many other.
SUNs Goal is advancing Indonesian economy by increasing electrification rate using renewable energy. We are making renewable energy become accessible everywhere and inspiring energy efficiency behavior that will eventually reduce energy production cost.
SUNs Values
(1) Pursuing perfection by always serving innovative solutions with excellence in demonstrating the highest standards of technical quality, service, safety, and value.
(2) Driven to achieve progress for our clients and our planet.
(3) Maintain our integrity at all times and communicate openly.
(4) Maintain our flexibility and adaptability as we continue.
Lets make a change! Its possible and worth. #365withSUN #gowithSUN
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