PVinsights: Big Buyers Eventually Dominate Pricing Negotiations
After prices hit the plateau in the previous weeks, polysilicon prices decline slightly this week as overseas polysilicon prices witness minor downward corrections. In overseas markets, as some stock pressures and liquidity needs still hang over some American producers and traders, some polysilicon dumping are still taking place, while Korean polysilicon suppliers have hold the prices firm. On the other hand, polysilicon prices in China remain stable this week. As the room for further price hike is unlikely and the demand in the downstream is not as strong as anticipated, the Chinese polysilicon suppliers have become more conservative in terms of pricing.
Multi-crystalline wafer prices remain immobile this week as downstream prices see stagnation. Despite the wafer makers¡¦ efforts to hike the prices, major buyers of multi-crystalline wafers eventually win over the price negotiation, having the prices settle at their targeted range. Since multi-crystalline wafer suppliers run their utilization rates at full and the demand appears to be weaker-than-anticipated after lunar New Year, the pressure of inventory level is building. Moreover, as the stagnation of the downstream prices is witnessed, multi-crystalline wafer suppliers also tend to be more cautious with the pricing, which results a stable price for multi-crystalline wafer this week. On the other hand, mono-crystalline wafer prices stay firm this week. In order to prevent the price gap with multi-crystalline to further expand, the 1st tier mono-crystalline wafer suppliers are holding their prices as a strategy to maintain its market shares. However, the demand of mono-crystalline wafer have also seen signs of decreasing as more solar cell shift toward multi-crystalline cell productions due to lack of mono-crystalline wafers. As the result, both multi-crystalline and mono-crystalline wafer prices remain unchanged this week.
Both multi-crystalline and mono-crystalline cell prices remain stable this week as the sentiment has waned due to weaker-than-expected trading volumes after lunar New Year holidays. With the sliding solar panel prices and the increasing stockpiles, solar cell suppliers eventually conform to the targeted prices of big buyers. On the other hand, due to lack of mono-crystalline wafer, more solar cell makers strategically to shift production to multi-ones. Meanwhile, mono-crystalline cell buyers also intend to take wait-and-see approach since mono-crystalline cell prices are hardly affordable. As the result, both multi-crystalline and mono-crystalline cell prices halt steady this week due to disappointing demand recovery after the post-holiday return.
Solar panel prices weaken the most among solar supply chain this week, falling as much as 0.28% to record new low, as the overhanging supply fuels price competitions among module makers and the demand was not as good as expected after lunar New Year. In China, although the domestic demand in China seems solid, the pricing strategies to win the projects have led the prices in China to falter. As for overseas market, the persistent price competitions among suppliers send solar panel prices in EU and US to drop continuously as module supplier leverage discounted prices in efforts to win more projects in the second quarter. On the other hand, solar panel price trend in India also remain on mild descent with recent released low tariffs of several local PV projects. As the result, the downstream module prices continue to deteriorate this week as global glut set the tone of the price downtrend.
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