Proving the value of “dry and safe” transport with long-duration operation in microgrid with PV and generators
PORTLAND, OREGON - November 16, 2016 - ESS Inc., the leading manufacturer of safe, low-cost and long cycle-life batteries, will deliver a 60kW/225kWh All-Iron Flow Battery (IFB) system under contract to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The battery will be part of an integrated microgrid at Fort Leonard Wood in Missouri, where they will demonstrate long-duration storage capability for use in Forward Operating Bases (FOB). The U.S. militarys main objective is to show that delivering dry long-duration batteries to the field significantly reduces fuel usage, hauling equipment requirements and associated logistics.
"Flexible longer-duration energy storage, like the ESS IFB, could be a key enabler to introducing more intermittent renewables and reducing reliance on generators in forward operating bases," said Tom Decker, Program Manager, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. "With the IFB serving a constantly fluctuating load at the FOB, the generator will only be called upon to recharge the energy storage, allowing it to operate at peak fuel efficiency and dramatically reducing refueling logistics requirements. We look forward to demonstrating to all service branches how incorporating an Iron Flow Battery into a microgrid can increase mobility and resiliency in military power applications."
"The advantages of the IFB in remote military operations are unmatched," said Bill Sproull, ESS VP of Business Development and Sales. "The ability to ship in a dry state, to maintain capacity and performance for 20,000-plus cycles, and to withstand desert heat without performance degradation, are key attributes for these flexible longer-duration military applications. In addition, the IFBs long-duration performance can support multiple applications beyond the capabilities of lithium-ion. Once the business case for this system is validated, we expect there will be other service branches interested in the same benefits for use at home and internationally."
About ESS Inc.
Established in 2011, ESS Inc. manufactures a low-cost, long-duration All-Iron Redox Flow Battery for commercial and utility-scale energy storage applications requiring 6+ hours of flexible energy capacity and 20+ years of operating life. ESS IFB technology utilizes earth-abundant iron, salt, and water for the electrolyte, and delivers an environmentally safe, long-life energy storage solution for the worlds renewable energy infrastructure. For more information, visit
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