PPE count on Lufft weather sensors for PV Monitoring

Pacific Power Engineers, Inc. (PPE) was formed by experienced engineers from different branches and offers a range of services e.g. in project management. Together with Lufft USA we provide photovoltaic monitoring solutions.

For us, the values integrity and transparency are core values, and we have found these attributes in Lufft USA Inc. and their products in working with them over the years. The value, performance, and ease of setup and installation makes choosing their products for use on our projects a no-brainer.

PPE standardized on Luffts weather sensors because of their seamless integration with our remote intelligent gateway (RIG) and Human Machine Interface (HMI) implementations, and the transparency that comes with their open communication protocols. A Lufft all-in-one weather station, with the addition of one or two sensors, meets all CAISO requirements for most solar installations; when Luffts equipment is used with PPEs HMI for site monitoring and control, it allows our customers to view and trend site data in real-time, as well as archive all relevant data points for future analysis of component and system performance.

The number of metrics measured by the Luffts weather stations in combination with the high accuracy of the sensors gives our customers the ability to forecast short-term and long-term generation capabilities of their site with a high degree of confidence so as to optimize scheduling and maximize their return on investment.

Information about the author

Author Christian
Christian Arechavaleta

My name is Christian Arechavaleta and I am a part of the Pacific Power Engineers team. My role as Systems Integration Engineer allows me to work with the numerous components needed to bring a project together; helping clients bring their projects across the finish line is one of my favorite parts of the job.

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