Itek Energy Releases New High-Efficiency SE Solar PV Module
Itek Energy announces the release of its SE Solar PV Module, with updates including higher-efficiency PERC cells and a PID-free certification after 500 hours of testing.
Bellingham, WA, September 20, 2016 - Itek Energy has announced the release of their new SE Solar Module, which offers up to 300-Watt capacity and is certified PID-free at 500 hours.
Itek has, to date, produced over 56 megawatts of HE Modules, and is excited to add the SE version to their repertoire.
The new SE module represents an advancement in both technology and materials. The modules are composed of high-efficiency monocrystalline M2 cells, which offer a larger cell surface area. The cells utilize a proprietary Passivated Emitter Rear Contact (PERC) process that leads the market for cell efficiency. Other efficiency updates to the SE Module include a more reflective back sheet and improved encapsulating materials that increase light absorption.
"The efficiency of our cells have allowed us to increase the overall power of our SE panels, which lowers the price per watt," explains Itek Chief Operating Officer Dave McCarty.
Iteks SE is also certified Potential Induced Degradation (PID)-free. PID-free modules undergo a rigorous testing and certification process which allows consumers to be confident that their modules will remain efficient for a longer life span than their non-PID counterparts. Iteks modules withstood 500 hours of testing—more than three times the industry standard!
The SE module is certified Made-in-Washington with industry-leading quality components, and is available in three styles: Black—a black back sheet and a black frame; Standard—a white back sheet and silver frame; or Tuxedo—a white back sheet and a black frame.
"Were very excited about what the SE module has to offer the solar industry," says McCarty. "The result of our M2 cell size, proprietary processing, and PID-free certification puts Itek SE modules in the vanguard of high power photovoltaic modules at an affordable price."
About Itek Energy:
Itek is a fast-growing US solar manufacturer with factories in Bellingham, Washington and Minneapolis, Minnesota. Itek takes pride in providing the world with high-quality, assembled-in-America solar modules with an exemplary reliability record. Iteks experienced team of engineers, operators, and management share a passion for solar energy and are committed to making a positive impact, from following sustainability best practices in their own facilities to empowering underprivileged communities with access to clean solar energy.
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