SPI 2016 - ZEROCELL™ Smart Energy Storage Appliance Makes Solar Make Sense
ZEROCELL is the Nerve Center for Smart Zero Energy Home Open Source IoT Platform
LAS VEGAS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--HOUZE ® Advanced Building Science, a global leading smart zero energy innovation company, announced today during the Solar Power International 2016 trade show that it will introduce its ZEROCELL™ in the USA, Europe and UAE before the end of the year. The company is establishing a network of distributor partners ranging from retailers to solar companies to utilities. ZEROCELL and HOUZE® will start accepting online reservations at www.ZEROCELL.World and schedule installations beginning in October.
"The ZEROCELL makes solar make sense. Solar without the right energy storage solution isnt really logical," said David Goswick, CEO of HOUZE® (the "ZE" stands for Zero Energy). "Our mission is to democratize and accelerate a movement that enhances quality of life today, and protects the environment for future generations by providing smart, safe, secure energy that is affordable."
The ZEROCELL is a multi-functional appliance that serves as the nerve center for an open-source smart digital IoT ecosystem. The ZEROCELL is a plug-and-play system that seamlessly transforms both existing and new homes into smart zero energy homes. The ZEROCELL stores and manages energy generated from either on-site-harvested energy or from off-site-renewable energy transmitted by the electric grid.
The ZEROCELLs stored energy can be used to:
• power the home when electricity is more expensive and in high demand
• store energy from rooftop solar during the day to power the home independent of the electric grid
• shave peak energy load
• provide backup power and energy security to the home
• participate in demand response programs to support utilities
At the core of the ZEROCELL is a powerful, yet very safe nano-battery system. The nanobattery offers a life span of 12-18 years and up to 6,000 charges. It is fully recoverable and can be 100% discharged and restored to full capacity. The ZEROCELL charges 2x faster and is 99% sustainable as it is fully recyclable. Further, it complies with strict international standards and performs in extreme temperatures (-40F - 150F). ZEROCELL batteries do not leak and are non-flammable as opposed to lithium batteries.
The ZEROCELL will be featured in select Euronics International stores beginning in December. Euronics is Europes largest electrical buying group and its second-largest consumer electronics retailer. Euronics includes more than 10,000 stores covering 36 countries.
"We are excited that Euronics will be the launch retail partner and Certified Installers of the ZEROCELL," said John Olsen, Managing Director of Euronics International. "The ZEROCELL provides a whole new platform of smart digital energy."
SEE MORE about Euronics partnership at: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20160907005600/en/HOUZE%C2%AE-Unveil-ZEROCELL%E2%84%A2-Smart-Energy-Storage-Appliance
HOUZE® Advanced Building Science Inc. is a privately owned holding company based in Houston, Texas, specializing in the development and commercialization of innovative technologies, on-site renewable energy, energy storage, energy management, nanotechnology, telehealth, agri-life and real estate. HOUZE® (the "ZE" stands for Zero Energy) is revolutionizing the way homes are built and how they consume and generate energy reducing the overall total cost of home ownership. HOUZE® is accelerating the growth of Smart Zero Energy Homes, Buildings and Communities by transforming residential, commercial, and real estate developments from being one of the largest users of energy to super energy efficient, smart facilities that produce as much renewable energy as they use (net zero energy). HOUZE started in neglected and ignored communities by establishing Living Labs and a Net-Positive Energy Initiative, introducing new technologies and affordable homes that produced more electricity than they consumed. www.HOUZE.World
See a HOUZE® on Bloomberg TV: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/videos/b/c7f88a63-6d69-4843-82b4-39c3748e4eb9
ZEROCELL Worldwide Inc. is a subsidiary of HOUZE® Advanced Building Science Inc. ZEROCELL Worldwide commercializes innovative and disruptive technologies developed by HOUZE and other global leading companies. The ZEROCELLs (4KW, 8KW, 12KW and 16 KW) are multi-functional appliances that are all-in-one energy storage and nerve systems for homes, buildings and block-chain neighborhoods. The ZEROCELL OEM network spans five continents with global distribution. www.ZEROCELL.World
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