An Ambitious Blueprint for China's PV Development
By PV Guangzhou Committee In the last decade, China has made great progress in solar power. By the end of 2014, the total grid-connected solar power generation capacity has reached 28.05 million kilowatt
In the last decade, China has made great progress in solar power. By the end of 2014, the total grid-connected solar power generation capacity has reached 28.05 million kilowatt, ranking third in the world. Whats more, Chinas solar cells account for 70% of the worlds total solar cell output. Among the worlds top 10 solar cell manufacturing companies, 6 enterprises belong to Chinese owners.
However, Chinas solar industry will not stop here. This year in the 13th five-year plan, a visionary blueprint for the development of Chinas solar industry in the next 5 years has been drafted by Chinese central government. Now lets give it a closer reading.
Firstly, more favorable policies will be made in an effort to provide a better market environment for businessmen home and abroad and for Chinas solar industry to flourish healthily. Secondly, the total capacity of distributed energy stations will reached 70 million kilowatt by the end of 2020. In Jing-Jin-Ji region, Yangtze River economic zone, Peal River Delta, etc, 50 national-level distributed PV demonstration districts will be established with a capacity of 100,000 kilowatt each. Chinese central government will also encourage provinces to build 200 provincial-level distributed PV demonstration districts with a capacity of no less than 50,000 each. In some wealthy rural regions of Shanghai, Zhejiang, Jiangdu, Guangdong, etc, 100 villages will be transformed into innovative PV villages. Thirdly, prosperous regions such as Jing-Jin-Ji region, Yangtze River economic zone, Peal River Delta, etc, will eventually raise the percentage of solar power in their energy structure and replace most of the fossil fuel with solar energy.
To implement this ambitious five-year plan, PV equipment manufacturing companies are calling for more essential material, especially polycrystalline silicon. Even though China claims to have an annual polycrystalline silicon output of 180,000 tons, the effective capacity is only 80,000 tons, covering around 40% of market demand. From 2008-2015, more than 50% of polycrystalline silicon is imported annually. That is because most of the polycrystalline silicon companies in China do not have a firm technological foundation and their manufacture cost is much higher than that of oversea manufacturers, which renders them vulnerable to the impact of those imported low-priced polycrystalline silicon.In order to cut down the cost of solar power generation, China is in dire need of advanced PV technology and innovative technicians.
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PV Guangzhou short for Guangzhou International Solar Photovoltaic Exhibition
Date: September 26th-28th, 2016
Venue: China Import and Export Fair Complex
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