PVinsights: Inventory correction escalate solar price drops on cell and module

Multi-crystalline cell price plummet this week as inventory adjustment makes the demand weaker. Due to high inventory level, major multi-crystalline cell buyers cut their purchasing order much higher than expected. Hence, multi-crystalline cell makers intend to leverage the aggressive price reductions to reduce their piled-up inventory levels by the deadline of the first fiscal quarter. Moreover, with high production utilization rate, the increasing inventory in March, and the decreasing procurement volume for April, oversupply situation leads multi-crystalline price tumbles more dramatically this week.

Multi-crystalline cell price plummet this week as inventory adjustment makes the demand weaker. Due to high inventory level, major multi-crystalline cell buyers cut their purchasing order much higher than expected. Hence, multi-crystalline cell makers intend to leverage the aggressive price reductions to reduce their piled-up inventory levels by the deadline of the first fiscal quarter. Moreover, with high production utilization rate, the increasing inventory in March, and the decreasing procurement volume for April, oversupply situation leads multi-crystalline price tumbles more dramatically this week. On the other hand, mono-crystalline cell remains immobile this week as benefited by the demand improvement in China. However, as multi-crystalline cell price continues to plummet and some cell makers alter their strategies to shift production to mono-crystalline ones, mono-crystalline price has no room to advance even with the demand improvement.

Solar panel prices extend the price slump this week as the effects of slow season continues to reverberate. In China, India, Japan, and the emerging countries, the price competition enhances, as the demand in these regions has declined obviously. In the US and EU, although the demands are relatively stable, solar panel prices still going downwards as Chinese module makers fueling the price competitions in these regions via trade-friendly capacities. Moreover, due to the weakness of global demand, module makers are now bearing great pressure as their stockpile increases. Hence, solar panel prices further slumps, due to the escalating price competition to get rid of the stockpiles.

Polysilicon price extends the rally this week, as the short-term tight supply situation in China persists. Due to loss of access for the U.S. polysilicon imported into the Chinese market with the trade dispute in force, the supply level of polysilicon in China is limited temporarily. Meanwhile, the demand of polysilicon in China is increasing with notable rate as triggered by the extensive expansion plans of local wafer manufacturers. Hence, polysilicon price in China increases notably this week amid the speculation of supply tightening. On the other hand, non-Chinese polysilicon makers also follow to increases polysilicon price successfully, but the scope is relatively limited given ample supply level in overseas market. As the result, polysilison price rallies with notable increment as fuels by the concrete demand in China.

Multi-crystalline wafer price remains the downtrend this week. Due to slower global demand and the pressured prices of downstream components, some of the 1st tier multi-crystalline wafer suppliers reduce their prices for the deal in April. Nevertheless, due to high utilization rates of multi-crystalline cell makers in the moment, major buyers are still having the consistent orders. The solid demand of multi-crystalline wafer helps limited the scope of the price decline. On the other hand, mono-crystalline wafer price remains steady this weak due to the demand improvement in China. However, even with the demand improvement, the tumbling multi-crystalline wafer price and flat-lined mono-crystalline cell price restrict mono-crystalline wafer for any further price improvement.

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