SolarCity Opens Regional Workforce Training Center in West Las Vegas
Democratic Leader Senator Aaron Ford, Senator Ruben Kihuen, and other Nevada leaders participate in celebrating local job creator's commitment to make Nevada the regional hub for training the 21st century energy workforce.
LAS VEGAS, Nov. 30, 2015 -- SolarCity (NASDAQ: SCTY), America's #1 solar power provider, is expanding its Nevada presence with a new, 13,000-square foot regional training center in West Las Vegas. This flagship training center, SolarCity's fifth facility since entering the Silver State in 2013, will make Nevada the regional epicenter for SolarCity's workforce development. This facility is expected to train as many as 4,000 workers a year with the skills they need to succeed in the energy workforce of the future.
"I'm proud to celebrate the opening of SolarCity's new training center, which will make Nevada the regional hub for training workers in the jobs of the 21st century," said Governor Brian Sandoval. "Our homegrown solar industry has already created over 6,000 good Nevada jobs, and has tremendous potential to continue driving innovation, economic diversification, and opportunity in the Silver State."
Senator Harry Reid, whose office presented a certificate to commemorate the event, celebrated the opening saying, "Thank you for your contributions to the clean energy industry in Southern Nevada."
"Renewable, sustainable energy is the future of Southern Nevada," said Representative Dina Titus of Nevada's First Congressional District. "SolarCity's new workforce training center will provide opportunities for people from across the region to learn new skills, contribute to our economy, and build a better, cleaner world for generations to come."
Senator Aaron Ford, Democratic Leader of the Nevada Senate, Senator Ruben Kihuen, and other state and local officials joined SolarCity leadership to cut the ribbon at the new facility today.
"The opening of SolarCity's Regional Training Center means more good jobs in one of Nevada's most important and forward-thinking industries," said Senator Aaron Ford, Democratic Leader of the Nevada State Senate. "Growing our solar industry is not only good for our economy, but it will help our state continue to move towards a sustainable, clean energy future. I'm proud to help welcome this facility to Las Vegas and, more particularly, to Senate District 11."
SolarCity already employs over 2,000 Nevadans, and Nevada is leading the nation as the #1 solar job creator in the country per capita. With this flagship facility, Nevada will also be a national leader in training the clean energy workforce of the future. SolarCity's regional training center will bring in new hires from around the Mountain West to be trained as solar installers, electricians, and other jobs in the growing solar industry.
Nevada must maintain strong solar net metering policies, so that employees trained here can work here and use these skills to strengthen Nevada's economy - rather than being forced to work out of state. With strong solar policies in place, this regional training center will create more opportunities for Nevada's homegrown solar industry to continue to innovate, create good jobs, and build a brighter future for Nevada.
Candidates interested in employment opportunities in Nevada can review available positions and contact SolarCity directly via its online jobs form at
Nevada homeowners interested in SolarCity's services may visit SolarCity online at or contact the company directly at 1-888-SOL-CITY (1-888-765-2489) for a free, no-obligation solar consultation.
About SolarCity
SolarCity (NASDAQ: SCTY) provides clean energy. The company has disrupted the century-old energy industry by providing renewable electricity directly to homeowners, businesses and government organizations for less than they spend on utility bills. SolarCity gives customers control of their energy costs to protect them from rising rates. The company makes solar energy easy by taking care of everything from design and permitting to monitoring and maintenance. SolarCity currently serves 19 states. Visit the company online at and follow the company on Facebook & Twitter.
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