Presentations and Audio Recordings from PV O&M Europe Now Available

The PV O&M Europe forum took place with great success on 9-10 November in an unseasonably warm Hamburg, and the pdf presentations and audio recordings are now available

Feedback from PV O&M Europe was excellent, with our high-quality speakers providing exclusive insight into an extensive range of commercial and technical topics. You can purchase these presentations now, using the link below.

Testimonials include:

• "Great opportunity to meet EU O&M decision makers and exchange views on best practise and O&M roadmaps" - First Solar
• "Level of information and quality of speakers was outstanding" - E.ON
• "Good quality of speeches and speakers" - Baywa R.E.
• "Senior representatives from top solar players" - Foresight Group
• "Good presentations and a very good platform for networking" - Adler Solar Services
• "Informative event providing a mature international view on the O&M market" - Cobalt Energy

Presentations and recordings now available here:

Amy Allebone-Salt
Projects Director | PV Insider

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