The solar array is expected to generate 281,128 kWh of energy annually
TUSK is closely watching as the Louisiana Public Service Commission soon decides the fate of energy choice in the state.
BATON ROUGE, La., Oct. 27, 2015 -- Tell Utilities Solar won't be Killed (TUSK) launched an ad campaign today calling on Louisianans to voice their support for solar energy. In the ad, former Republican Congressman Barry Goldwater Jr., TUSK Chairman, talks about the benefits of rooftop solar from a conservative prospective. Goldwater Jr. cautions that utilities are attempting to eliminate their competition by gutting policies that allow customers to generate their own solar power.
TUSK is closely watching as the Louisiana Public Service Commission soon decides the fate of energy choice in the state. Net metering - the policy that allows households and businesses to get credit for power they send back to the grid - is capped in Louisiana. The Commission must decide whether to raise that cap.
Utilities across the country have obstructed lifting caps on free market rooftop solar growth. As part of a national utility playbook to eliminate competition from rooftop solar Louisiana utilities are requesting changes that would weaken net metering altogether.
"Monopoly utilities are trying to limit solar growth despite the benefits solar provides in Louisiana," said Goldwater Jr., "It is important Louisianans tell the Public Service Commission that they want to continue to have the choice to put solar on their roofs." Goldwater concludes the ad by asking Louisianans to visit to contact Public Service Commissioners. Click here to view the message.
About Tell Utilities Solar won't be Killed
TUSK was formed to create a united front through which the public can tell utilities that solar is right for conservatives and right for America.
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