Battery Energy Storage Caucus Launches to Bipartisan Support in Congress

Representatives Collins (R-NY) and Takano (D-CA) Form Caucus to Expand Energy Storage Industry

WASHINGTON, Oct. 27, 2015 -- U.S. Representatives Chris Collins (R-NY), and Mark Takano (D-CA) today launched the Battery Energy Storage Caucus to investigate ways to accelerate the commercial deployment of competitive energy storage technology. Cost-effective, safe energy storage systems are creating a more resilient and efficient electrical grid today, with thousands of systems already in operation throughout the United States. In recognition of the critical role energy storage plays in making the U.S. electric system reliable, affordable, and sustainable, the Caucus will periodically brief Members of Congress on how storage is reshaping the way electricity is generated, distributed, and consumed, and how policy can remove impediments to greater use of battery storage.

"Across the nation, states are facing an aging electrical grid that is increasingly unprepared to handle the demands of modern businesses and consumers," said Rep. Collins. "Energy storage technology is uniquely suited to address infrastructure and energy challenges we face in the United States. The battery storage industry is creating new businesses and providing new jobs to the U.S. economy, and American companies are leading the way globally."

"Energy storage is modernizing the grid and enabling new economic possibilities, saving businesses and consumers money," said Rep. Takano. "In Southern California, energy storage is proving to be a transformative technology for our utilities and grid operators. It is a key component of our strategy for replacing retiring generation and managing grid congestion, as well as a critical asset for expanding solar, wind and other renewable energy resources."

During the press conference for the launch of the Congressional Battery Energy Storage Caucus, the Co-Chairs were joined by industry leaders from the Energy Storage Association, AES Energy Storage, and Johnson Controls.

"American companies are at the forefront of the rapidly expanding energy storage industry," said Matt Roberts, Executive Director of the Energy Storage Association. "Energy storage installations in the United States are expected to grow five-fold before the end of the decade. The formation of this Caucus serves as recognition not only that energy storage is providing significant value throughout our energy system, but also that overcoming barriers to further storage utilization is in the public interest."

"Storage creates a clean, unbreakable grid from which our energy economy will continue to innovate," said Praveen Kathpal, vice president of AES Energy Storage. "Utility-scale energy storage systems are competing side-by-side with conventional energy resources and proving their performance to grid operators around the country."

"A robust U.S. energy storage industry will strengthen U.S. manufacturing and provide greater international competitiveness," said Grady Crosby, Corporate Vice President of Johnson Controls. "On the customer side of the meter, the Energy Storage market is forecast to grow exponentially over the next 10 years. Distributed storage is especially valuable for helping businesses and households save money, save energy, and improve resilience and reliability."

Battery Energy Storage Caucus - Mission Statement
The bipartisan Congressional Battery Energy Storage Caucus is dedicated to advancing understanding of how energy storage systems are enabling American businesses and homeowners to better access reliable, affordable, and sustainable electric power. The members of this Caucus will work together and with stakeholders toward innovative and effective policy solutions that address challenges in our energy infrastructure and drive the adoption of storage technology.

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