RENEXPO® SOUTH-EAST EUROPE The Success of Hydropower in Romania!
The success of hydropower theme within RENEXPO SOUTH-EAST EUROPE, is proof that the interest in investments in hydropower in Roma-nia remains strong. The 8th Energy+Efficiency Fair and Conferences, gives a special attention to small hydropower, being the biggest event in Roma-nia on this topic. RENEXPO® - international trade fair and conferences will take place between 18th-20th of November 2015, at the Palace Hall in Bucharest.
The success of hydropower theme within RENEXPO SOUTH-EAST EUROPE, is proof that the interest in investments in hydropower in Roma-nia remains strong. The 8th Energy+Efficiency Fair and Conferences, gives a special attention to small hydropower, being the biggest event in Roma-nia on this topic. RENEXPO® - international trade fair and conferences will take place between 18th-20th of November 2015, at the Palace Hall in Bucharest.
REECO International is the reliable partner who shares, connects investors and providers the perfect business network in the hydropower sector by bringing to-gether at the event all the key players in the sector. Theoretical approaches, de-velopment of technology and practical examples all go hand in hand.
Every year, the event attracts market leaders, experts, developers and users all united behind the goal of an innovative, ecological, affordable and dependable energy future. This year the companies that already registered are: Global Hydro Energy (Gold Sponsor of the event), WWS Wasserkraft, Voith Hydro, CINK Hydro, Spaans Babcock, Superlit and others.
The Austrian company Global Hydro Energy is the most successful international developer with solid experience in producing and exporting various turbines and their components. As an independent company, it offers to their customers through its team of engineers flexible and quality services, combined with out-standing innovative skills. Their work is based on small hydropower plants up to a maximum of 15 MW and an internal production capacity of approx. 50 tur-bines/year. Heros 3, the brand new turbine governor of GLOBAL Hydro is the first multi-touch-system in hydropower that can be controlled intuitively by plant operators. Heros 3 has an individually designed user control panel which can be adapted to the requirements of the plant operator, e.g. every authorised user can individually select menu items according to his requirements and respectively save his personalised settings.
Investors, planners, financiers and authorities will meet on the 18th of November 2015, at the 8th International Conference - Small Hydropower in Romania, that will take place in parallel with the trade fair at the Palace Hall in Bucharest. The conference presents the newest developments and solutions: Considerable improvements in output, efficiency, reliability and availability are convincing factors for an upgrading of a SHP. At the conference several experts representing the economic, political and research fields are offering to the participants, their solutions and their future thinking. Due to the exhibition area, many contacts and exchange of opinions and know how are available.
Between the confirmed speakers there are key persons from the sector, such as: Zoltan NAGY-BEGE, member of the Regulatory Commitee within Romania's Energy Market Regulator ANRE; Ștefan Alexandru FRANGULEA, Manager Hidroelectrica SA; Prof. univ. dr. eng. Romeo SUSAN - RESIGA at the Polytechnic University of Timișoara; Bogdan POPA, President of ARmHE/ROSHA and Jan DROST, representantive of the Dutch company Spaans Babcock.
RENEXPO is supported by important institutions and partners in the area of hydropower, such as: British Hydropower Association, IRE, ZEK Magazine, The Water Network and others.
For more details about RENEXPO® SOUTH-EAST EUROPE visit