Zeversolar releases a new online monitoring portal and presents its inverters on trade fairs in Europe and Australia
Suzhou, China, 10.09.2015 The Chinese PV inverter manufacturer Zeversolar has developed a new cloud based portal to monitor residential and commercial solar power plants. The software will be presented - together with the complete inverter portfolio - at several trade fairs and roadshows in September and October in Australia, Belgium, Poland and UK.
Zeversolar will release the new online monitoring portal Zevercloud on September 23 in English and German free-of-charge. It enables users to save time and money by reducing PV plant downtime: The portal allows to compare the current performance with past performances and sends event and yield reports rapidly by email.
The power per day, per month and per year is displayed in easy to read graphs. In addition, the software calculates and shows the amount of carbon dioxide that has been avoided and the total income that has been earned. Users find all relevant data at a glance.
In the United Kingdom, Zeversolar presents the software and its new Zeverlution string inverters at the Heating & Renewables Roadshow, which is UK's only regional event for heating and renewable energy professionals. The roadshows take place from September 10 to September 24 in Coventry, Exeter, Farnborough, Edinburgh and Manchester (see http://heatingandrenewablesroadshow.co.uk). In addition, Zeversolar will attend the Solar Energy UK in Birmingham together with the company Alternergy from October 13 to 15 (see http://uk.solarenergyevents.com).
Trade fairs from Belgium to Australia
While Belgium customers can see the new products at the Van Marcke Fair in Brussels from September 17 to 18 on the Expo site (see http://www.vanmarckefair.com), Zeversolar will present its products to the Polish market at the 5th International Trade Fair and Conferences for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in Warsaw from September 22 to 24 (see www.renexpo-warsaw.com). Here, customers can find the inverter manufacturer at booth H1-L1a.
"Poland is a very promising market and our new string inverters with nominal powers from 1 to 33 kilowatts perfectly meet the requirements ", explains Zeversolar's sales director Andreas König. Besides its new generation of lightweight, highly efficient PV string inverters for residential applications, the Chinese manufacturer will also show the new inverter Zeverlution Pro 33 K. It has a nominal power of 33 kilowatts, has been developed for commercial applications and is available worldwide from now on.
The show will go on in October, when Zeversolar will present its products at the trade fair All Energy, which is Australia's most anticipated event in the clean energy sector's annual calendar. The event is held in the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, and Zeversolar's products are displayed at the booths of its partners SolarJuice, Optimus Energy and Solar+Solutions on October 7 and 8.
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