Intersolar - Ecoprogetti believes in continuous innovations for the PV industry
Meet Ecoprogetti during Intersolar North America to discover solutions and equipment for PV module assembly.
SAN FRANCISCO, July 14, 2015 -- Every year the photovoltaic industry is making important steps to improve the efficiency, products, integration and reliability. Also we at Ecoprogetti follow this trend with a continuous evolution of our products. From one side we design new solutions to make the production process more simple and reliable, and from the other side we study and develop concepts in order to work with the latest technologies available on the market.
Solutions have been developed to permit 4/5 bus bar soldering, lamination design studied for architectural modules and long pulse simulators using LED's as light source to test high efficiency cells in an optimal way.
A key word in Ecoprogetti's philosophy has always been flexibility, and the last months we have been pushing this limit even further by producing equipment and accessories able to work with customized sizes of modules. In particular we have given focus to special kits to handle a fully automatic soldering of cut solar cells in the standard stringer machines for modules of small dimension and at the same time we have also developed a LED based simulator to test modules with length up to 3.4 meters.
We would be glad to welcome you to our booth during Inter solar North America for a friendly chat, you can find us at booth 7720. Please don't hesitate to fix a meeting by contacting us at below link:
About Ecoprogetti srl
Since 1998 the Italian firm Ecoprogetti srl has been researching, designing and constructing turnkey photovoltaic production machines and lines. All the services are conducted internally with the benefit of having a single contact from the order through to the after-sales service. Ecoprogetti presents for each step of the production process the best solutions of automation and quality and thanks to the company's know-how, Ecoprogetti gives the customer the best turnkey solutions with a complete assistance in training, start-up, advice and support service by qualified personnel with years of experience as photovoltaic module producers.
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