AXYS commits to continued R&D by joining the NORCOWE Consortium
“NORCOWE is pleased to welcome AXYS as a new partner in the centre”
June 23, 2015
AXYS Technologies Inc. (AXYS) ) is very pleased to have joined the Norwegian Centre for Offshore Wind Energy (NORCOWE) to further the shared goal of developing innovative and cost-efficient offshore wind solutions for deep waters and harsh offshore environments. Through joining this consortium, AXYS looks forward to collaborating with the other NORCOWE partners to conduct research and development focused on reducing costs and increasing efficiencies of offshore wind development. Specific areas of common interest include R&D initiatives that will explore the use of floating LiDAR to measure turbulence intensity, test power performance, trial & validate novel measurement systems, and develop environmental baselines.
AXYS has recently deployed its market leading dual LiDAR WindSentinel buoy next to the FINO1 standard mast to perform validation studies and learn more about wind/wave interactions, microwave temperature profilers, and O&M decision support applications over the next 4-6 months.
"AXYS is committed to developing new offshore wind energy solutions which address real-world Wind Energy operational problems and we are delighted to have partnered with NORCOWE and its industry leading partner companies to participate in these important R&D initiatives in the sector," comments Terry Tarle, CEO & President of AXYS.
"NORCOWE is pleased to welcome AXYS as a new partner in the centre," says Kristin Guldbrandsen Frøysa, Director at NORCOWE. "Met/ocean measurements have been a major topic within NORCOWE from the beginning in 2009. With AXYS joining NORCOWE, our measurement capacity is strengthened even more. We are pleased that a WindSentinel is included in the current OBLEX-F1 campaign. AXYS helps addressing the need for versatile offshore measurement platforms, to meet the challenges from the offshore wind industry for comprehensive measurements of wind and temperature profiles, waves and currents. By bringing together scientists, vendors and wind farm operators, NORCOWE bridges the gap between science and industry. We are pleased to see that offshore wind companies acknowledge this by joining NORCOWE."
Norwegian Centre for Offshore Wind Energy (NORCOWE) is an interdisciplinary resource center for the exploitation of offshore wind energy as a natural and sustainable energy resource. The centre was founded in 2009 as one of now eleven centres for Environment-friendly Energy Research (FME) with funding from the Research Council of Norway, and is hosted by Christian Michelsen Research AS in Bergen.
NORCOWEs partners cover a wide range of subject fields related to offshore wind energy, and several are international leaders in their fields. The center encompasses areas such as resource mapping, modeling and measurements of the marine boundary layer, marine operations, operation and maintenance, wind and wake effects in wind farms, layout design of wind farms. NORCOWE research focus and modeling expertise covers a wide range, from fine-scale CFD to the meso-scale.
AXYS Technologies (AXYS) is an ISO 9001 registered Canadian company with over 40 years of experience in the design, manufacture and installation of remote environmental monitoring systems worldwide. We apply our knowledge and experience to marine, freshwater, and offshore wind resource assessment systems that measure aquatic, oceanic, and atmospheric parameters specific to clients needs. AXYS has built and commissioned more than 500 meteorological and oceanographic systems of various types around the world, in over 50 countries. For further information contact AXYS at: or
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