“Best of Inutec German PV Trainings & Exercises” in Manila, Phils.

The training is designed to empower the participants to work in the Solar Energy Sector. This training is necessary to take the right decisions and be able to plan, buy, install and operate infinite, clean and independent solar energy systems 5% Early Bird discount (30 days prior the event) 20% if you book all four PV courses! Don't miss it, register now!

The Academy of Solar Power Education (The Academy) aims to provide you the latest and best and photovoltaic education in the world. During the last 20 years Germany was the largest PV-market worldwide, the German education about PV is world leading. The content will be presented easy to understand, interactive and with strong relation to the practice. Experience learning with excitement and fun. It is the initial key for your success.

The Academy has trained Universitas Sumatra (USU), Universitas Indonesia (UI); and cooperates as well as with foreign or national companies and Institutions such as AHK-EKONID, PSPA, GIZ-GPCCI

In 2 days, you will know about:
1 the principles of isolated PV systems
2 system analysis of DC and AC connected systems
3 introduction of the essential components of isolated
4 Off Grid essentials:
- energy production
- energy storage
- storage management
- load management
5 the planning and design of off-grid systems based on
selected examples
- load analysis
- system efficiency
- PV-Generator design
- DC connected isolated photovoltaic systems
- AC connected isolated photovoltaic systems
- battery design
6 practical exercises with individual and group tasks
- design tasks
- battery price calculation
- comparison of batteries
- choose charge controller and inverter
7 introduction to the conceptual world of off-grid systems
8 various applications in detail
- description of problems
- presentation of various possible solutions
- information on technical characteristics
- planning tips
> back up systems
> fuel saver solutions
> pump technology
> lighting technology
> solar home systems
> stand-alone solutions
> small applications
9 summary and outlook
10 brief test and certificate award

August 12 - 13th 2015 Stand-alone Systems in Theory and Practice "Fit for Off Grid PV"
November 4 - 5th 2015 Stand-alone Systems in Theory and Practice "Fit for Off Grid PV"
August 10 - 11th 2015 Photovoltaic Workshop "Installation, Commissioning & avoiding Mistakes"
November 2nd - 3rd 2015 Photovoltaic Workshop "Installation, Commissioning & avoiding Mistakes"
August 6 - 7th 2015 Advanced Workshop "Design Photovoltaic (PV) Arrays"
October 29 - 30th 2015 Advanced Workshop "Design Photovoltaic (PV) Arrays"
August 4 - 5th 2015 Photovoltaic (PV) Basics Workshop
October 26 -27th 2015 Photovoltaic (PV) Basics Workshop

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