Expert knowledge for the energy storage industry
Inaugural ees Europe Conference to be held during ees Europe
Munich, March 19, 2015 – For the first time, experts are to present innovations in the field of energy storage technology at a dedicated conference as part of electrical energy storage (ees) Europe. The conference has been designed to complement the exhibition segments and forum at the international exhibition for batteries, energy storage systems and innovative production. The ees Europe Conference takes place from June 9–10, 2015 at ICM – Internationales Congress Center München, running parallel with the Intersolar Europe Conference.
Without intelligent storage systems, there will be no energy transition. Battery and energy storage technology is the key to exploiting renewable energy. Energy storage is an important element needed to isolate the generation of solar power from immediate consumption and take the load off power grids in the future. This is one of the main reasons why energy storage technology ranks among the most important growth markets today. According to market research company Navigant Research, the capacity of new storage systems installed worldwide in the next decade will total 21.8 gigawatts (GW), including large-scale systems for commercial use as well as battery storage systems for private solar installations.
ees Europe Conference devoted to exhibition topics
At the ees Europe Conference, experts from industry, research and associations discuss the latest developments, innovations and trends in the energy storage industry. From June 9–10, 2015, eight sessions focus on the entire value-added chain of energy storage technology. "The launch of the ees Europe Conference has created a platform for the energy storage industry that covers storage systems for renewable energy, as well as energy management, mobility solutions and uninterrupti- ble power supply (UPS). The international, cross-industry discussions will build synergies which will drive forward the entire solar industry," explains Dr. Matthias Vetter, Head of Department for Au- tonomous Power Supplies and Mini-Grids at the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE in Freiburg, and Chairman of the ees Europe Conference. The conference therefore consolidates the topics covered at the ees Europe and Intersolar Europe exhibitions. Some 290 of the total 1,000 exhibitors showcase the entire range of energy storage solutions, from individual components and production processes to specific examples of use.
Solutions for markets around the world
Markets across the globe are subject to various legal framework conditions and provide potential for a wide range of applications. All markets face the question of how energy storage systems can be better integrated into existing systems in order to strengthen local grid infrastructure and help renewable sources of energy achieve deep market penetration. Experts are set to discuss the- se aspects in several presentations across the two days of the conference. Sessions are also being held on the additional potential and the challenges of smaller storage applications, as well as se- lected large-scale storage system projects.
From new storage technologies and production to recycling
Energy storage technology comprises a wide range of electrochemical batteries. The question of which technologies are suitable for which scenario is to be answered in full by experts at the con- ference. Meanwhile, the technical milestones to be reached by the various storage technologies in the coming years and the expected cost developments are also being covered. Another important conference topic is the highly automated and reliable production of battery storage systems, which plays a crucial role in helping cost-efficient storage solutions to penetrate energy markets on a large scale. The conference program is rounded off with presentations on second-use concepts, recycling models and safety standards for battery systems.
ees Europe 2015 takes place alongside Intersolar Europe at Messe München from June 10–12; the ees Europe Conference is held on June 9–10 at ICM – Internationales Congress Center München.
Further information on ees Europe 2015 can be found at
About ees Europe
ees Europe is the international exhibition for batteries, energy storage systems and innovative production. Since 2014, it has been taking place in conjunction with Intersolar Europe, the world's leading exhibition for the solar industry and its partners.
In 2014, around 250 manufacturers, suppliers, distributors and research institutes showcased products and services from the entire value-added chain of innovative battery and energy storage technologies at ees Europe and Intersolar Europe. Together with Intersolar Europe, ees Europe forms the world's largest industry platform for the combination of storage systems and photovoltaics. The two exhibitions played host to around 1,100 exhibitors in 2014.
An accompanying, three-day specialist conference consolidated the topics at the ees Europe exhibition and Intersolar Europe 2014. Around 200 speakers and around 1,100 conference attendees discussed current indus- try topics and shed light on the background of technological, market and political developments. At the conference, a total of seven ees sessions provided an overview of the latest energy storage system develop- ments.
For more information on ees Europe, please visit:
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