Coatings CEO Warns Against Energy Complacency Arising From The Fracking Boom

Coatings CEO Warns Against Energy Complacency Arising From The Fracking Boom

Reno, Nevada, June 4, 2014 Castagra Products CEO, Peter Roosen, is warning against any growing complacency now that the oil and gas floodgates have opened in the US.

"The fracking industry is having a staggering, positive effect in bringing energy independence to the US, but, I fear, it may lead to a negative impact on the need for Sustainability measures to be continued throughout society as a whole.

"In our industry eco premium, environmentally sustainable coatings are being sought out and are creating huge markets to the point where, currently, they represent up to 25% sales for at least one global coatings company," continued Roosen.

"It will be a year or two before the benefits of the flood of tight oil and gas fully reaches the mainstream level of public consciousness. At this point, I worry that the positive effects on sustainability policies which took decades to be instituted on the scale they are today, may be weakened by a growing complacency.

"Sustainability policies are simply the best for the long term viability of the global environment as we know it today. Even China is getting on board. The effects of opening two coal fired power stations a week had a disastrous effect on air quality there."

Roosen said that the oil coming out of the Bakken shale oil play has shown where initial enthusiasm has been tempered by serious environmental and safety concerns that have arisen afterwards because of the corrosive effects the oil has on railcar tanks.

"Our plasticized gypsum coatings are highly sustainable. Ecodur contains vegetable oil and gypsum and any waste from the production cycle can be recycled. Ecodur is proving highly robust against many of the corrosive contents in production water and the oil and gas being extracted from shale," pointed out Roosen.

"Fracked oil and gas supplies will be with us for decades to come. It is a generational scenario that is spreading globally. Never before has the need for commitment to sustainability been greater than it is now."

Castagra is an oil and gas and wastewater industries protective coatings company headquartered in Reno, Nevada, that has products that defeat some of the harshest environments that the natural and unnatural world can throw at steel and concrete, particularly in the fracking industry. The coatings are produced in Fort Worth and Houston, Texas.

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Contact: Nigel Horsley 1 778 683 8550

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Name: Nigel Horsley
Company Name: Castagra Products Inc.
Town: Reno
Country: United States
Telephone: 017786838550
Language: English

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