EU PVSEC 2014: Call for Papers Receives Great Response
• More than 1,500 contributions apply for presentation in Amsterdam
• More than 1,500 contributions apply for presentation in Amsterdam
• Submissions from 73 countries
• Global response: 50% of the contributions submitted by experts from other continents
• Particular strong response: Topics on operations, performance and reliability of PV
• Exhibition will show latest trends in PV technology & equipment
Munich, 11 April 2014 – The Call for Papers for the 29th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (EU PVSEC 2014) generated more than 1,500 contributions (abstracts) from 73 countries applying for presentation at the EU PVSEC Conference in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, from 22 to 26 September 2014.
Proposals to present have come from the world's leading solar energy research, industry and market institutions and cover the entire PV value chain, including the latest PV applications, market developments, as well as business, political and globalization considerations. A particularly strong response to top-notch topics addressing operations, performance and reliability of PV is observed.
About 50% of the contributions have been submitted from countries outside Europe, confirming the trend towards further internationalisation. As has been the case in previous years, the largest number of abstracts continues to be from researchers and engineers in Germany. The Asia / Pacific region accounts for around 25% of the proposals, underscoring its strong position within the global marketplace. In addition, more abstracts than ever have been submitted from emerging markets from around the world, particularly from Africa, a demonstration of increasing commitment to photovoltaic solar energy.
The abstracts have been reviewed and scored by the Scientific Committee made up of more than 200 renowned research and industry experts from the global PV sector. To guarantee the quality of the programme, each abstract has been scored by three independent reviewers before the topic organisers met on 08 April 2014 to select the oral and visual presentations. Dr. Arnulf Jäger-Waldau, European Commission, DG JRC, and EU PVSEC Technical Programme Chairman, coordinates the Scientific Committee to set up a well-balanced Conference Programme of highest international standards. Dr. Jäger-Waldau: "Evaluation of the submitted abstracts confirms that the further developed structure of the Conference topics has been well received. New materials, wafer-based silicon solar cells, thin-film solar cells and concentrator technologies are core topics with more than 60% of the submitted abstracts. The increasingly crucial relevance of operations, performance and reliability of PV is mirrored by the over 400 abstracts received on these subjects. Submissions on the latest PV applications, market developments, business, political and globalization issues round-up the broad spectrum of abstracts."
The Conference programme will be published in May this year. It is coordinated by the European Commission, DG Joint Research Centre.
The EU PVSEC 2014 will take place from 22 to 26 September 2014 at RAI Convention and Exhibition Centre in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The five-day Conference is held along with the three-day Exhibition from 23 to 25 September 2014.
Background EU PVSEC
For many years, the European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (EU PVSEC) has combined a renowned international scientific Conference with a leading PV Industry Exhibition and trade fair. During 5 Conference and 3 Trade fair days, new products and technical innovations from all areas of photovoltaics and from all over the world are on show.
The EU PVSEC is supported by European and international organisations such as the European Commission, UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, Natural Sciences Sector, WCRE - World Council for Renewable Energy, EPIA - the European Photovoltaic Industry Association, IPVEA - the International Photovoltaic Equipment Association, ESA - European Space Agency, EREF - European Renewable Energies Federation, EU PV TP - European Photovoltaic Technology Platform, ARE - Alliance for Rural Electrification, AIE - European Association of Electrical Contractor, CABA - Continental Automated Buildings Association, EPIC - European Photonics Industry Consortium, SASIA - Saudi Arabia Solar Industries Association.
The Conference Programme is coordinated by the European Commission, DG Joint Research Centre.
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Heinz Ehmann
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Tel: +49 89 72012735, Fax: +49 89 72012791
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