Geothermal Industry Endorses Salton Sea Initiative
The GEA Board resolution notes that "the Salton Sea Known Geothermal Resource Area (SSKGRA) is one of the greatest opportunities for new geothermal energy development in the United States."
Winter Haven, Calif. (March 14, 2014)--The Geothermal Energy Association (GEA) today joined with other influential groups in endorsing the Salton Sea Restoration and Renewable Energy Initiative. Karl Gawell, GEA Executive Director, delivered a resolution from the group's Board of Directors to representatives of the Imperial Irrigation District at the Imperial Valley Renewable Energy Summit in Southern California.
"By backing this initiative we are showing that there is widespread support across the geothermal industry for the effort, and hope that our endorsement will bring it closer to fruition," Gawell said.
According to the Imperial Irrigation District (IID), "the Salton Sea Restoration & Renewable Energy Initiative, launched by the Imperial Irrigation District in partnership with Imperial County, will leverage funds generated by new renewable energy projects located at the Sea to help finance activities for air quality management and habitat restoration."
The GEA Board resolution notes that "the Salton Sea Known Geothermal Resource Area (SSKGRA) is one of the greatest opportunities for new geothermal energy development in the United States." It points out some of the advantages of the initiatives as:
· Creating thousands of construction jobs and hundreds of permanent jobs and bringing other substantial economic benefits to Southern California;
· Providing consumers affordable, long-term electric price stability through a renewable baseload fuel supply that does not fluctuate; and
· Enhancing environmental quality and supporting species habitat conservation.
IID further explains, "The Initiative will first focus on developing up to 1,700 megawatts of new geothermal energy at the Sea – enough to power more than one million homes. Not only is there more geothermal generating capacity in the Imperial Valley than anywhere else in the U.S., but geothermal energy can be produced with minimal impact on landscape and habitat. It also provides a steady, reliable source of energy to the state electricity grid that is not subject to weather or seasonal fluctuations."
GEA recently issued a status report on California's geothermal resources that says they are still largely untapped. The report found that the SSKGRA is considered by many to be the best opportunity for growth in California in the near term. Geothermal power is a viable, cost-effective, and plentiful renewable energy option to meet California's climate goals. Utilizing the Golden State's geothermal resources can help achieve carbon reductions with the least total cost and highest power system reliability.
The complete GEA resolution can be reviewed at For more information on the The Salton Sea Restoration & Renewable Energy Initiative go to:
For more information or to schedule an interview with a GEA representative, please contact Shawna McGregor, The Rosen Group, 917 971 7852 or
About the Geothermal Energy Association:
The Geothermal Energy Association (GEA) is a trade association comprised of U.S. companies that support the expanded use of geothermal energy and are developing geothermal resources worldwide for electrical power generation and direct-heat uses. GEA advocates for public policies that will promote the development and utilization of geothermal resources, provides a forum for the industry to discuss issues and problems, encourages research and development to improve geothermal technologies, presents industry views to governmental organizations, provides assistance for the export of geothermal goods and services, compiles statistical data about the geothermal industry, and conducts education and outreach projects. For more information, please visit Subscribe to GEA's newsletter here. Follow GEA on Twitter. Become a fan on Facebook.