Waste to Energy innovations on show at Energy Recovery 2014

Energy Recovery at Sustainability Live 2014, the live event of choice for the waste-to-Energy (WtE) market, has unveiled an enhanced seminar programme alongside world-class exhibitor innovations. With WtE becoming more prevalent in Europe and worldwide, British companies

"The limited availability of land for land-filling and rising public awareness on recycling have stepped up interest in renewable energy sources," says David Copeland, Marketing Director, Sustainability Live. "The European market for WtE in particular is expected to expand at an exponential rate for the next decade, primarily due to the EU's efforts to replace existing landfills with WtE facilities. Furthermore, the private sector is becoming increasingly active in developing WtE projects, a trend that should drive down prices and further accelerate technological development."

The seminar programme at Energy Recovery 2014 includes a number of compelling case studies that will provide visitors with practical insights on how to develop WtE solutions, as well as the options available for turning residual waste into a useable form of energy. One of the highlights at the free-to-attend event is a speaker panel session entitled ‘Resource Revolution: Turning resource efficiency into competitive gain'. It is being chaired by Dustin Benton, head of resource stewardship, Green Alliance, and will feature: Susanne Baker, senior climate and environment policy advisor, EEF (The Manufacturers' Organisation); Dr Liz Goodwin, chief executive, WRAP; Chris Sherwin, head of sustainability, Seymourpowell; and James Walker, head of innovation, Kingfisher Group.

"There will continue to be a much greater focus on turning waste into something useful and recovering it to another format," continues Copeland. "As the industry matures and investment in WtE infrastructure grows, it will be essential for companies and stakeholders to come together to share their experiences and ideas, and ensure that their innovations are aligned with the evolving demands of the energy recovery market."

The Energy Recovery exhibition will showcase over 20 companies and organisations, including Siemens, BSI Group, and the Energy Institute. Meanwhile, the seminar programme will include over 50 leading industry speakers from across the country in two new three-day seminar programmes within Energy Recovery's Energy Theatres.

Energy recovery, co-located with NEMEX and IWEX as part of Sustainability Live from 1st to 3rd April 2014, will welcome over 7,000 attendees, 60 per cent of which influence, specify or authorise their companies purchasing decisions.

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