REA comments on cancellation of RES' North Blyth biomass power project

REA calls for "strong, clear and positive message that the UK is still open for business for biomass"

Responding to the news that RES is ceasing work on its biomass power station project at the Port of Blyth in Northumberland [1], REA Chief Executive Dr Nina Skorupska said:

"This is a bitter blow for RES, for the Northumberland economy, for our energy security and for climate change objectives. The Government used to have a clear policy of supporting the most affordable low carbon technologies, which saw biomass projects attract healthy investment.

"However, recent Government actions have eroded investor confidence in the biomass sector. The result is project cancellations totalling hundreds of MWs and millions of pounds of inward investment. This row-back on biomass leaves a huge hole in the Government's plans to keep the lights on with low carbon technology. It is also a missed opportunity for cost-effective emissions savings and thousands of new jobs.

"The Government now must move swiftly to protect both existing and future investment, by giving a strong, clear and positive message that the UK is still open for business for biomass."

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