22nd EU BC&E Preview of the Conference Programme now online!

The preview of the 22nd EU BC&E conference programme is now available for you to browse through online!

The preview of the 22nd EU BC&E conference programme is now available for you to browse through online!

The conference which will take place from 23-26 June in Hamburg, Germany boasts:

46 sessions that cover all aspects of biomass;
12 sessions on Biomass Resources;
33 sessions on Biomass Conversion Technologies for Energy, Chemicals and Materials;
13 sessions on Biomass Policies, Markets and Sustainability;
250 scientific plenary and oral presentations and more than 400 visual presentations;
13 Plenary Presentations, in which high ranking speakers from international research facilities and from the global biomass industry give an overview and outlook on the latest technologies and future challenges of biomass;
8 Industry-oriented sessions, among which 1 plenary session;

Following the review of 895 abstracts from 62 nations applying for presentation, the International Scientific Committee, made up of 140+ leading experts from the global biomass community, has composed the programme of this trend-setting Biomass Conference.

Join us in Hamburg at the leading international platform for dialogue between research, industry, policy and business of biomass. Register now!

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