North American Wind Farm Operators Talk Business

Over 52 wind farm operators will gather in Dallas to discuss and debate ways to enhance wind turbine performance, extend their asset's lifetime and minimize their risk on O&M expenditure

Google were the latest to join 50 something other global wind farm owners for the Wind Operations and Maintenance Summit taking place in Dallas this April 14-16.

Despite the uncertainty over an extension of the PTC in 2014, states such as Texas, Iowa and California continue to dominate the installed capacity leader board, with ever accumulative figures for new developments. States such as Oregon, Oklahoma and Illinois also show accelerated growth as they ramp up their efforts to reach clean energy generation benchmark.

However, regardless of the outcome for the PTC, Utilities and Independent Power Producers (IPPs) whose assets already operate in these states will have to closely scrutinize their Wind Farm aftercare strategies in a constant effort to lower operational expenditure (OPEX).

Elizabeth Demestiha, Director and Wind Energy Update commented that "an expiration of the PTC will drive an even greater focus on wind services as wind asset owners seek O&M strategies that increase project performance though innovative upgrade programs."

Wind Energy Update, organizer of the 6th Annual Wind Energy Operations and Maintenance Summit, were astonished to see over 200 wind experts comprising of Utilities, IPPs, Developers, Manufacturers, Contractors, R&D experts, Consultants and Service providers rush to confirm their attendance at their latest North American event, especially at such an early stage.

Wind farm operators include Google, Apex Clean Energy, Acciona Energy North America, AES Wind Generation, Alliant Energy, BP Wind Energy, Capital Power Corporation, ContourGlobal, DTE Energy, Duke Energy Renewables, E.ON Climate & Renewables, EDF Renewable Energy, EDP Renewables, EVEN Energías Verdes Nacionales, EverPower Wind Holdings, Globeleq Mesoamerica Energy, Infigen Energy, Kruger Energy, Nextera Energy Resources, Noble Environmental Power, NRG Energy, Pattern Energy, Rio Energy Projetos de Energia, TransAlta, TransCanada and Wigton Windfarm.
For more information on this event, speakers, agenda and workshop, visit the website:

Or contact:

Elizabeth Demestiha
Wind Energy Update
t. 1800 814 3459

Wind Energy Update provides news, events and analysis to the wind energy industry

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