ACORE Releases Industry-Authored Review, Renewable Energy for Military Installations
Presenting Insight and Guidance for Renewable Energy Projects on Bases
Washington, D..C, February 27, 2014 – The American Council On Renewable Energy (ACORE) today released the Renewable Energy for Military Installations: 2014 Industry Review. The Review provides insight about present business opportunities for third-party-owned renewable electricity projects at military installations. The articles were authored by group of prominent renewable energy developers, energy service companies, financiers, law firms, and other groups convened by ACORE and working with the military.
"Given the extraordinary tenor and tone of the proposed FY 2015 Defense budget, this ACORE-led Review is timely and addresses key ‘how-to' components of the Defense energy decision-making rubric," said ACORE President and CEO Michael R. Brower, himself a retired senior naval officer. "If the Defense topline is going to be sharply reduced, as Secretary Hagel proposes; the national security, economic security and environmental security values of clean, low carbon renewable energy become even more essential to the dedicated women and men in our Armed Forces as a hedge on operational and personnel costs."
"The Review concentrates on military bases, which will be the site of about 3 GW of renewable energy development over the coming years," said Lesley Hunter, the project editor and ACORE's Research and National Security and Defense Initiative manager. "ACORE designed this report to be a go-to-resource that compiles private sector recommendations about military renewable energy contracting, financing, siting, policy, and technology-related issues, with a goal of enhancing collaboration between the military and industry on renewable energy."
"Renewable energy is not just a ‘policy objective' for the armed forces, but is also an ‘operational imperative', said Acciona's Lucas Michelini, Manager of Structured Finance, one of the Review's authors. "However, there are many issues about energy contracts with the Department of Defense that will have to be tackled quickly and systematically to ensure the DoD and the private sector have a successful, long-lasting relationship."
The publication offers guidance to the Department of Defense about how to facilitate financeable and effective renewable energy projects in order to successfully achieve its goals, and also gives direction to renewable energy companies as they navigate the military's procurement process. "There are lessons to be learned and best practices from the private sector for DoD to utilize in the development of its initiatives," said Taite McDonald, senior advisor at Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati, one of the Review's sponsors. "Therefore, communication and coordination between industry and DoD, to the extent possible, will continue to be critical for DoD to become an increasingly significant player in the renewable energy industry."
The report contains a series of industry perspectives about the business considerations associated with renewable energy installations at military facilities, including: state regulatory hurdles for military renewables; an overview of the existing procurement landscape with insight and recommendations about creating financeable third-party-owned projects; siting effective renewable energy projects at military bases; making use of innovative technology options; and the importance of energy-secure technologies, like microgrids, to enhance the use of renewable energy at military installations ensure reliable power for critical infrastructure.
Authors provided input from industry businesses: Acciona Energy North America, Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld, Andrews Kurth, Bostonia Partners, Eaton Corporation, EverPower Wind Holdings, National Association of State Energy Officials, Reed Smith, Siemens Government Technologies, SunEdison, SunPower, TechVision21, and Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati.
The Review can be downloaded here:
About ACORE:
ACORE, a 501(c)(3) non-profit membership organization, is dedicated to building a secure and prosperous America with clean, renewable energy. ACORE seeks to advance renewable energy through finance, policy, technology, and market development and is concentrating its member focus in 2014 on National Defense & Security, Power Generation & Infrastructure, and Transportation. Additional information is available at