PNE WIND AG commissions the Calau IIA wind farm and will now complete the next construction phases
PNE WIND AG developed the project and will also take over its technical operation.
Cuxhaven, 14th February 2014 – The wind farm project developer, PNE WIND AG, has completed the construction of the Calau IIA (Brandenburg) wind farm and commenced full operations. The wind farm comprises of 5 wind energy systems with a total nominal output of 15.4 MW. PNE WIND AG developed the project and will also take over its technical operation. With the completion of the first phase, PNE WIND AG can now expand the wind farm by ten wind energy systems with a total nominal output of 30 MW. The next two phases have been permitted and construction has begun.
The construction of this wind farm located in the Spreewald region began in August 2013. Construction contracts were awarded to local companies whenever possible. Of considerable complexity was the installation of the 7.5 kilometre long transmission cables connecting the wind farm to its own transformer substation which was constructed near the feed-in point to the 110kV high voltage power line.
"We are very pleased with the good cooperation with the participating authorities and the town of Calau. The approval process for the wind farm and the transformer substation was completed very rapidly", said project manager Jens Peters who also wishes to express the gratitude of PNE WIND AGs project implementation and development team.
For the first time, PNE WIND AG selected Vestas V112 3.0 MW wind energy systems with a hub height of 140 metres in order to make optimum use of the location within a forested area. These turbines ensure that the more consistent prevailing wind conditions above the forested area can be exploited more efficiently. The considerable height of the towers however proved to be a challenge and it was only possible to safely erect the tower segments and assemble the turbine housings in very light wind conditions.
In this location, environmentally friendly wind power equivalent to the annual consumption of about 13,000 four person households can now be generated.
"With the completion of Calau IIA, we started 2014 on a strong note. The realisation of the next already permitted wind farm projects with about 60 MW of nominal capacity is scheduled for the coming weeks and months", said Chief Operating Officer Markus Lesser.
Martin Billhardt, Chairman of the Board of Directors and CEO of PNE WIND AG adds: "Building on these German onshore project developments, we expect to construct additional wind farms in Germany in the future. Politicians must however set framework conditions in the EEG (German Renewable Energies Law) in such a manner that projects can continue to be developed and operated in a profitable manner."
The Calau IIA wind farm was sold last December to CEE, a Beteiligungsgesellschaft based in Hamburg.
Company profile
With its headquarters in Cuxhaven, the PNE WIND - Group plans and realises wind farm
projects on land (onshore) and on the high seas (offshore). In doing so, its core competence
lies in the development, planning, financing, operation, sales and service of wind farms. To
date, the PNE Wind Group has already developed wind farms with a total nominal output
amounting to nearly 2,000 MW.
In addition to its business activities in the established German home market, PNE WIND AG
is expanding into dynamic growth markets and is already represented through joint ventures
and subsidiary companies in 14 countries in Europe, Africa and North America. In these
countries wind farm projects with a nominal output of approximately 4,800 MW are currently
being developed and are planned to be completed in the medium term.
In addition, PNE WIND AG is developing offshore wind farm projects, of which four major
projects in German waters have already been permitted.