Krampitz Communications Publishes Study on How Biomass, Solar and Wind-power Companies Communicate

Cologne, 27.01.2014. Today, the press agency Krampitz Communications is releasing its study on how biomass, solar and wind-power companies communicate.

Over approximately 100 pages and in German only, the evaluation report provides detailed analyses on the communication methods of 32 companies in the renewable energy branch in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

In addition to investigating the professionalism and the success of these companies' PR, the agency has also assessed the statements of 33 German-speaking professional journalists on common errors, on positive and negative examples and on places for improvement in media relations; Krampitz Communications has also supplemented this information with its own research and tips. The study is rounded off by clearly arranged graphs and tables as well as sections on how to create strategies and concepts, how to use social media effectively, and how critics of the renewable energy branch communicate.

Checking for Success and Investigations on Professionalism

For this study, the agency, which has specialised in PR for renewable energies for ten years, surveyed between April and July 2013 those responsible for communication in companies for detailed information on their PR, their strengths and communication messages as well as their corporate accountability. With the help of 33 professional journalists as mediators, Krampitz Communications then examined between July and September 2013 if the companies' messages arrive at their predefined target groups and if these groups perceive the companies' strengths.

In addition to looking at the success in placing strengths and messages, the agency also assessed the publication rates of companies and how they are contacted by journalists. In order to compare the professionalism of various companies' PR, Krampitz Communications developed a measurement category. Its value depends on if the company has sufficient personnel and finances for PR, if it is oriented toward a communication strategy and if it uses its PR tools effectively.

"The image of the renewable energy branch has suffered a lot in the last few years", says agency boss Iris Krampitz. "In addition to professional product PR, it is becoming more and more important to communicate the social benefits of renewable energies, tailored to the target group".

Since renewable energies are dear to her heart, Krampitz will donate 20 per cent of the revenues the company receives from the sales of the report until 30 Jun. 2014 to measures to improve the branch's image. In 2013 the agency already held several days of consultation for the renewable energy branch free-of-charge and voluntarily got involved in an alliance for the development of a joint communication strategy.

Krampitz Communications
How Biomass, Solar and Wind-power Companies Communicate
Investigations on Product PR and Public Affairs
Evaluation Report (Unabridged Edition in German)
DIN A4, 94 pages, loose-leaf book
Price: 1,250 Euros plus VAT
Krampitz Communications, Cologne, January 2014

Further Information:

Brief Report, free-of-charge
A short report, available in both German and English, can be ordered free-of-charge from our internet page. This report contains information on the methodology and several results of the company survey:

About Krampitz Communications

Krampitz Communications was founded by the graduate chemist Iris Krampitz in 2004 and has concentrated on communications for renewable energies and related technology branches since that time. Working both internationally and oriented technologically, the agency takes over the entire spectrum of company communication for companies, promoters and institutes. The range of services it offers corresponds to that of a full-service agency, but her agency also works on individual projects. The intelligent press distribution list of Krampitz Communications encompasses more than 4,000 personal contacts to national and international journalists who report on renewable energy and technology topics. In addition to providing media-related work, the agency counts strategy development and consultation, event organisation and online-PR among its special strengths.

In 2012, the agency published a manual for PR in the renewable energy branch and since then has sold it in 14 countries. Reading samples, reviews and an order form can be found at the following link:

You can find this press release as a PDF and image material at the following link:

Editor and Press Contact
Krampitz Communications
PR for Renewables and Technologies
Dillenburger Straße 85
51105 Cologne
Tel.: +49 221 912 499 49
Fax: +49 221 912 499 48

Publication free of charge, although we kindly request a sample copy. We would be pleased to send you further images. If you have any questions, we would be glad to help you.

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