U.S. Army launches fuel cell testing with General Motors
Celebrates Cooperative Research and Development Agreements
U.S. ARMY DETROIT ARSENAL, WARREN, Mich. – December 16, 2013, at 8:00 a.m., the U.S. Army Tank Automotive Research, Development and Engineering Center will host a ribbon cutting ceremony to initiate the start of hydrogen fuel cell testing with GM at the U.S. Army's new Ground System Power and Energy Laboratory (GSPEL). The event will also highlight and celebrate numerous Cooperative Research and Development Agreements (CRADAs) that TARDEC has collaborated with industry partners on throughout the years to enhance our awareness of innovative technologies critical to enabling military ground systems and future energy capabilities.
At the GSPEL grand opening last year, U.S. Army officials encouraged industry and academic stakeholders to partner with government scientists and engineers to use the GSPEL's new high-tech facilities to develop new dual-use power and Mobility Solutions that would benefit both industry and military researchers.
"Through CRADAs, the Army has the opportunity to leverage its research and development efforts with industry," explained TARDEC Director Dr. Paul Rogers. "A goal of TARDEC is to demonstrate a battlefield fuel reduction to reduce the logistical burden on our warfighters. CRADAs, such as the one with GM, will assist in maturing and accelerating technologies critical to the Army's future ground vehicle platforms."
CRADAs are established between federal laboratories and commercial, academic or nonprofit partners to facilitate technology transfer between the parties for mutual benefit. Under a CRADA, the partner may contribute resources such as personnel, services, property and funding to the effort. The government may contribute all of the above except funding. CRADAs also allow for the negotiation of licensing arrangements for patented inventions developed at the laboratories.
A host of senior government and industry VIP's (to be announced later) will be on hand to launch this new partnership and celebrate CRADAs. The event will be followed by a tour of the GSPEL labs.
Headquartered at the U.S. Army Detroit Arsenal in Warren, Mich., TARDEC is a major research, development and engineering center for the Army Materiel Command's Research, Development and Engineering Command and is an enterprise partner in the TACOM Life Cycle Management Command.
Media are invited to attend this VIP celebration. RSVP at: bruce.j.huffman.civ@mail.mil or call 586-215-8763.
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